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Cannot install third party software

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Hi SleepyDude,

I left the MemTest to do its thing overnight and it's now done 18 passes - I guess I'm safe to cancel it now :D

No errors found.

Could you tell me what the MemTest is for and in what situations (such as frequent BSOD?) I can use it to check the integrity of my system? I have a problem with another computer but I'll start a new thread when all of this is over.

In the meantime please let me know what I should do next with the PC in question.

Many thanks,

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    Trusted Helper

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Hi Luke,

I left the MemTest to do its thing overnight and it's now done 18 passes - I guess I'm safe to cancel it now :D

No errors found.

I don't know the number o passes the tool does. When a full set of tests passed the program show the message "Pass complete, no errors, press Esc to exit" centered near the bottom of the screen.

Could you tell me what the MemTest is for and in what situations (such as frequent BSOD?) I can use it to check the integrity of my system?

MemTest checks the computer memory and it stresses also the processor a little bit. It's a Hardware test that helps determining the stability of the computer independent of the Operating System.

I have a problem with another computer but I'll start a new thread when all of this is over.

Yes, it's better to start a new thread.

Now about your computer problem. I think it's time to consider the possibility that the computer may be infected with malware! I would like to check that.

Because we need to use some tools not allowed outside the Malware Section of the forum I need you to post on the Malware Removal section. Start a new thread with a link to this topic and stating that I requested to post there for a malware check.
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The 'Pass complete...' message came up after the first pass. My guess is the tool keeps doing passes (infinitely) until you press Esc because I never expected it to do as many as 18. I could be wrong.

Thanks for the info about what MemTest does.

I will post in the Malware section as you have asked.

Thanks for your help so far!

Hope we manage to get this sorted.

All the best,

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The 'Pass complete...' message came up after the first pass. My guess is the tool keeps doing passes (infinitely) until you press Esc because I never expected it to do as many as 18. I could be wrong.

The tool executes several Test's #x (12 in total it seems) and inside each test several Passes.
Yes the test run infinitely the message is presented when a complete set of tests was performed. The time it takes depends on the amount of installed memory and the processor speed.

Thanks for the info about what MemTest does.

No problem.

I will post in the Malware section as you have asked.

Ok I will try to catch your topic. :)

Thanks for your help so far!

You are welcome.
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