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"Drop Box" for saving photos

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Help please re “DropBox”, in the following context.

Context: I email myself a photo from an iPad. I receive the photo in the Inbox of my Yahoo email account on an XP pc ... and I see two versions of the photo: a greatly enlarged photo; and a smaller (~1.5 x 2.5 inch) version with an arrow in the lower right corner of the smaller copy. When I put my cursor over the arrow I get a popup that says “photo.jpg (1.1 MB).” When I click that arrow a popup screen appears that offers two choices: “Save to my computer” and “Save to Drop box.”


1. If I opt to “Save to my computer” where do I find that photo? It is not in C:\My Pictures.

2. Where is the photo if I opt “Save to Drop box.” And just what is Drop Box; it seems to be an app separate from Windows XP?

Thanks much for you help. ....... batpark

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Hi batpark,



1. If I opt to “Save to my computer” where do I find that photo? It is not in C:\My Pictures.


If you choose the option "Save to my computer", you will find it in the 'Downloads' folder of the user.



2. Where is the photo if I opt “Save to Drop box.” And just what is Drop Box; it seems to be an app separate from Windows XP?


Dropbox is an online storage option. It partnered with Yahoo and offers to save your files into it. Read more here → What is Dropbox? Yes, it has the app that can be used to save or back up files from your system.

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