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FixMBR error message - Non-Standard or Invalid Master Boot Record


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Hi, Ron,


Some good news.


VEW - System

Vino's Event Viewer v01c run on Windows XP in English
Report run at 04/05/2014 3:07:02 PM

Note: All dates below are in the format dd/mm/yyyy

'System' Log - error Type
Log: 'System' Date/Time: 04/05/2014 2:56:15 PM
Type: error Category: 0
Event: 7023 Source: Service Control Manager
The IPSEC Services service terminated with the following error:  The authentication service is unknown. 

'System' Log - warning Type


VEW - Application

Vino's Event Viewer v01c run on Windows XP in English
Report run at 04/05/2014 3:13:16 PM

Note: All dates below are in the format dd/mm/yyyy

'Application' Log - error Type
'Application' Log - warning Type


Much better!  I have never seen Event Viewer this clean.

The IPSEC service is really being stubborn.



Edited by vhende2000, 04 May 2014 - 02:24 PM.

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I'm seeing advice to disable your anti-virus then open a command Prompt and type:


netsh winsock reset


and then hit Enter then reenable your antivirus.  Don't know why that should help but worth a shot I guess.


Other advice says you can also apparently just turn it off (set it to Manual) and forget about it unless you notice a problem or are trying to use VPN.

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Hi, Ron,


I ran the above and rebooted when it said so.  I rechecked IPSEC services and nothing has changed.



On a different note, since I had trouble with the Hiren's BootCD and had rebuilt it again with a new download of the .iso file so that it would work properly, I also checked my Comodo disk and it worked just fine.  I ran a virus check and it came back OK.  I'll recheck my BitDefender disk I also had built but also had trouble with and redo it if necessary.


What I don't understand is that I had downloaded the .iso files for all these boot disks from their official web sites and followed their instructions to a 'T'.  I used ImgBurn and verified the disk 100%, so I was surprised when they wouldn't work.  I still don't understand how I could have possibly screwed it up.


I also made a Kaspersky Rescue Disk 10 which I will also check out.



I will also say that I have used up quite a bit of time and effort and frustration going to various tech sites for help, only to still have problems nobody seemed to be able to help with.


Nobody has used any of the techniques that you have in this session and I feel like we have made quite a bit of improvement so far.

I just wish I had found your site long before now.


I have to thank Elizabeth23 at Microsoft Community at suggesting that I come here.  I understand that she is also being helped and trained by you folks.  Good for her.


Thanks to you both,



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I feel bad that we couldn't fix ipsec but it appears that it is not critical for your PC so I guess it is OK to just turn it off and forget it.


I don't work with the students so don't know your Elizabeth but I do think this is one of the better tech sites which is why I hang out here.


 Guess we are done then.
We need to clean up System Restore.  
Copy the following:
 Run OTL.   In the Custom Scans/Fixes box at the bottom, paste in the copied text (Ctrl + v) and then hit Run Fix.
You can uninstall or delete any tools we had you download and their logs. 
If we ran Combofix:
To uninstall combofix, copy the next line:
"%userprofile%\Desktop\combofix.exe" /Uninstall
Start, Run, cmd, OK then right click, Paste, then hit Enter.
OTL has a cleanup tab so if you run it again and select cleanup it will remove itself and its backup files.
To hide hidden files again (If you do not run OTL cleanup):
# Close all programs so that you are at your desktop.
# Double-click on the My Computer icon.
# Select the Tools menu and click Folder Options.
# After the new window appears select the View tab.
# Uncheck the checkbox labeled Display the contents of system folders.
# Under the Hidden files and folders section select the 'Hide protected operating system files (recommended)' option. 
# Check the checkbox labeled Hide protected operating system files.
# Press the Apply button and then the OK button and exit My Computer.
Special note on Java.  Old Java versions should be removed after first clearing the Java Cache by following the instructions in:
Then remove the old versions by going to Control Panel, Programs and Features and Uninstall all Java programs which are not Java Version 7 update 45 or better.  These may call themselves: Java Runtime, Runtime Environment, Runtime, JRE, Java Virtual Machine, Virtual Machine, Java VM, JVM, VM, J2RE, J2SE.  Get the latest version from Java.com.  They will usually attempt to foist some garbage like the Ask toolbar, Yahoo toolbar or McAfee Security Scan on you as part of the download.  Just uncheck the garbage before the download (or install) starts.  If you use a 64-bit browser and want the 64-bit version of Java you need to use it to visit java.com.
Due to multiple security problems with Java we are now recommending that it not be installed unless you absolutely know you need it.  If that is the case then you should go in to Control panels, Java, Security and set the slider to the highest level.
Also make sure you have the latest versions of any adobe.com products you use like Shockwave, Flash or Acrobat. 
Whether you use adobe reader, acrobat or fox-it to read pdf files you need to disable Javascript in the program.  There is an exploit out there now that can use it to get on your PC.  For Adobe Reader:  Start, All Programs, Adobe Reader, Edit, Preferences, Click on Javascript in the left column and uncheck Enable Acrobat Javascript.  OK Close program.  It's the same for Foxit reader except you uncheck Enable Javascript Actions. 
To help keep your programs up-to-date you should download and run the UpdateChecker:
(You don't need to download Betas and if there is a program you don't use you can just uninstall it rather than update it.    You can right click on the updatechecker icon (looks like a downward green arrowhead) and select Settings and tell it no betas.  If you don't use MSN Messenger I would not upgdate it.  MS installs a bunch of stuff when you do.  You can tell the program to not show you that update.)
If you use Firefox or Chrome then get the AdBlock Plus Add-on.  Adblock Plus is now available for IE too:
If Firefox or Chrome is slow loading make sure it only has the current Java add-on.  Then download and run Speedy Fox.
http://www.crystalidea.com/speedyfox .  Click on Optimize.  When it finishes click on Exit.
Be warned:  If you use Limewire, utorrent or any of the other P2P programs you will almost certain be coming back to the Malware Removal forum.  If you must use P2P then submit any files you get to http://virustotal.com before you open them.
Due to a recent rise in the number of Crytolocker infections I am now recommending you install:
The free version does not update on its own so you should check for updated versions once in a while.
If you have a router, log on to it today and change the default password!  If using a Wireless router you really should be using encryption on the link.  Use the strongest (newest) encryption method that your router and PC wireless adapter support especially if you own a business.  See http://www.king5.com...-120637284.html and http://www.seattlepi...ted-1344185.php for why encryption is important.  If you don't know how, visit the router maker's website.  They all have detailed step by step instructions or a wizard you can download.
XP does not automatically run defrag so it needs to be done manually every couple of months or it will slow down.  http://support.microsoft.com/kb/314848
XP has been out a long time so most XP computers are starting to get clogged with dust.  This makes them overheat which will also slow them down.  To clean a desktop, shut it down but leave it plugged in.  Remove the lid or open it up and use a vacuum cleaner hose and a small brush to clean the air vents in the front and back and the fins of the heatsink and of the fans - including the fan of the power supply.  You may need to unscrew the four screws that hold the fan to the heatsink and lift the fan off to really clean the heatsink.  Start it up while the lid is off and watch the fan (after screwing it back down again if you removed it).  It should start up right away and be at full speed in no time (it may stop running shortly after starting - this is normal).  A fan that is slow starting or which makes noise is worn out and needs to be replaced.  Cleaning a laptop is unfortunately major surgery for most brands.  Make sure the vents are clear and that it is run on a hard surface.  Never on a bed or your lap as that blocks the air vents.  Propping up the back with a book without blocking the air vents will make it run a bit cooler.  If you think it might be running hot you can get speedfan
Download, save and Install it then run it.
It will tell you your temps (if the PC is new enough).  If they seem hot (over 50) then check Automatic Fan Speed.
Leave it running and see if the temps drop.  If temps are over 80, the CPU will slow down to protect itself.  Disassembling a laptop to clean it isn't that hard.  There are usually YouTube videos for most brands that show you how to do it if you search for them.  Most times you just need some small screwdrivers and maybe a long nose pliers.  The hardest part is reassembling it and getting all of the screws in the right places so takes notes or lots of pictures.  If you take it apart then you should also pull the heatsink and clean it and replace the old thermal pads with Arctic Silver Thermal compound.  Amazon has a kit of cleaner and compound http://www.amazon.co...n/dp/B001FVI91U which I have used.
Make sure you have Windows update working and preferably on Automatic download and install.  Go to Internet Explorer, Tools, (or Safety), Windows Updates, Express  and see if it has any updates for you.  This last is now obsolete as support for XP has officially ended so we are recommending that you turn off Windows Update and not use IE.  Instead use Firefox or Chrome.  That being said, I read today that MS has released a new fix for XP even tho they said they wouldn't so you should probably check for updates once in a while anyway.

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Hi, Ron,




Well, I'll certainly look at all the above and clean up what I can.


However, I was hoping that we could go back and try to understand why I can't seem to be able to install the Family Tree Maker programs neccessary to save my data files. 


It just doesn't make sense that I can't download programs that many people obviously do not have problems doing.  I have a huge vested interest in getting them to work properly. 


I obviously have no idea what is preventing the program installs.  If I can not send the .zip data files because they are too big, I could possibly send them via E-mail if that is acceptable.


If necessary, I could also open a new thread listing the details of the above problem.

If so, would you be interested in helping me with this other?


I also do have a problem with the audio/video sync while trying to watch Hulu.com movies in both normal and full screen mode.  My NetFlix works just fine.  I do understand that they both use different setups.  And, again, nobody has been able to help with this problem. 

It may be a situation that my graphics card needs to be updated or replaced with a better board.  I just don't know this definatively.

I have tried different versions of Adobe Flash Player to no avail.


Thanks, I'll get started on some of the stuff above.



Well, it seems that I now have a brand new problem.

I have just tried going to an internet shortcut to Java to check the current version on my system and I get an error message from Yahoo that says:

"The requested resource is no longer available on this server and there is no forwarding address. Please remove all references to this resource."

And this also just happened last night for the first time on another site shortcut that obviously I've used many times in the past.  Last night I was tired and just assumed that I had hit the wrong keys or whatever and just blew it off.




Edited by vhende2000, 04 May 2014 - 10:16 PM.

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Not sure I can help you with hulu.  Can't get it to work on my slow Internet connection and don't know much about it.  You might have to pause your antivirus while watching hulu and close all other programs so the CPU can concentrate on doing just the one thing.  You can run Process Explorer at the same time and create a log when hulu starts to go bad.  That would show if something is loading down the CPU.


Did we do Speedtest already?    Go to http://www.speedtest.net/ and click on Begin Test

When the Test finishes click on Share This Result and then select Forum then Copy then move to a reply and Ctrl + v


Found this on the Hulu forum:


  • Streaming/stuttering issues are, unfortunately, among the hardest problems to diagnose. A good rule of thumb is:
    * If both the video and audio stutter while you are viewing, you are most likely experiencing issues with your internet connection.
    * If the video stutters but the audio is fine, you are most likely experiencing issues related to your computer's hardware and/or software configuration.
    Here are some general suggestions that may help:
    * Are you watching video over a wireless connection and your video is stuttering? If so, try it over a wired connection.
    * Do you experience video stalling problems only during fullscreen mode? If so, try lowering your desktop resolution.
    * Are you running any bandwidth-intensive applications on your own computer (e.g. Vuze, BitTorrent, Outlook, other downloads, internet phone services such as Skype, Vonage, MagicJack)? If so, you may want to pause these applications while watching videos on Hulu.com.
    * Are you sharing an internet connection with other people? If so, check to see if they are using any bandwidth-intensive operations while you are watching videos.
    * Is the CPU usage on your computer unusually high while watching videos on Hulu? On Windows, you can check this by right-clicking on your task bar, launching the Task Manager, and going to the Performance tab. On a Mac, go to "Applications," then "Utilities" and launch the Activity Monitor. If the CPU usage is above 50% (or 100% on Mac with a dual-core processor), try shutting down any applications that may be using your CPU.
    If you're still having issues, you can use the following steps to try to diagnose the problem:
    1. Pause the video and allow the buffer to reach "Full." Once it's full, try playing your video again. If the video is still stuttering, you may be experiencing issues with your CPU performance. Try turning off any CPU-intensive programs you're running. Additionally, you can try running Hulu in a different browser, or updating your Flash drivers. If the video is no longer stuttering, your CPU usage is probably not the issue.
    2. Perform a Speed Test of your connection. This can be accomplished by going tohttp://www.speedtest.net. Once there, click on the yellow pyramid on the map (if none of the pyramids are yellow, select one that is closest to your geographic location). This will initiate a speed test – once complete, examine the results. If your download speed (indicated by the down arrow) is below 1,000Kbps, then your bandwidth is fairly limited. You may want to consider limiting your viewing experience to the standard 360p videos, as higher-quality streaming will be more to likely stutter. If your download speed is 1,000Kbps or above, your bandwidth should be able to stream video from Hulu. To watch videos from our HD gallery, we recommend a speed of 3,500Kbps or more.
    3. Perform a Traceroute. If you receive an output with 13 or more hops, the problem is most likely related to how your ISP is routing your computer's requests to Hulu. Unfortunately, Hulu is unable to fix this problem — you can try contacting your ISP's support desk to request help. If you receive an output with 1-12 hops, the issue is probably not related to your ISP.
    4. If you've tried everything else, contact Hulu. We can try to address the issue to see if there's something on our end. Fill out the form here. and our support team will take a look.
    Jason Nellis (Hulu) posted on Apr 6 2009, 4:28:0 PM
    7 of 29 people found this post helpful
  • Another suggestion - Try using the POP-OUT to view the video.
    The last 3 or 4 days, since last Friday/Saturday, videos have been unwatchable with regular viewer. Very jerky and stuttering, even with a full Buffer.
    Based on a suggestion from another viewer, I tried the Pop-out and have had NO streaming issues so far. It appears that I am currently ONLY having streaming issues with the "normal" Hulu Viewer. Not sure why that should matter but appears to make a difference.
    mts.dauber posted on Apr 6 2009, 6:51:50 PM
    5 of 10 people found this post helpful
  • seriously I had no hope for watching anything on hulu again and then just pressed popout and was like kool
    Sam O. posted on Apr 7 2009, 10:50:21 AM
    1 of 2 people found this post helpful
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    Tried the Pop-Out also and video ran smoothly. Watched the same video in the Hulu viewer and it stuttered badly. Tried speedtest and traceroute -- 5500 kbs, 9 jumps, so no problems there. Noticed the stuttering started at the same time I upgraded from Flash 9 to 10. Also noticed that other video stream services began to stutter; other remain smooth. Incompatibility problems with Flash 10?
    Nick E. posted on Apr 7 2009, 11:02:25 AM
  • Jason I, too, am having this problem. The pop-out does indeed work, while the regular viewer doesn't. Did Hulu recently make some coding change to the regular viewer? Why would the pop-out work if the regular doesn't?
    Brian M. posted on Apr 7 2009, 4:19:15 PM
This thread has been locked. Please post your other topics and feedback athttp://www.hulu.com/discussions.




For the Family Tree Maker:

You can try the Installer Cleanup Tool:




(Not recommended if you have Office 2007)


Remove any old installation attempts of Family Tree Maker  then try a new install and if it fails check with VEW for alarms.  


You can also make an install log if you follow the instructions on http://www.advancedi...ide/qa-log.html and it uses msiexec.exe to install.

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Hi, Ron,


I have to jump back to your previous post.  I was starting the cleanup stuff and ran into a strange problem.


I got down to the Java stuff and decided that I probably don't need it since I could not remember actually using it.  I cleared the Java cache and used Revo Uninstaller to remove the Java 7 Update 45.  I removed it first and there was a second Java "something" 51 that I was going to remove next. 


The first removal went just fine and then I noticed that the second program was also no longer there.  Apparantly Revo uninstalled it also.  Later i ran my FileHippo Update Checker and I was surprised to find a update for Java Runtime Enviroment 8.0 build 5 (32-bit).


This program does not show up at all in Add/Remove Programs, or Revo Uninstaller, or CCleaner.  I did find a folder under C:/Program Files/Java.  I can delete these files, but I am wondering if there are more leftovers elsewhere and whether there may be registry entries to get rid of.


Also, concerning the Installer Cleanup Tool, I have Office 2000 with an Office 2007 Compatibility add-on.  Should I still run the cleanup tool?



Edited by vhende2000, 05 May 2014 - 10:07 PM.

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Java 8 is being offered by FileHippo.  Sometimes they get a bit ahead of the standard Java releases.  Don't know why it didn't show up in Add/Remove tho.  Safe to delete the Java folder.  Just check your browsers to see if they still have any java add-ons.


I expect it will be OK to run the Installer Cleanup Tools since you don't really have 2007 just a file to let you read 2007 files.

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Hi, Ron,


I've been doing almost all the suggestions you had above and have run into an interesting situation with the Adblock Plus routine.  When I downloaded the program for IE, it downloaded a couple files, one being much bigger than the other, 4.72MB and 0.42MB, both of which show up in Add/Remove Programs. 

Then I downloaded the same for FireFox and it only downloaded a relatively small file which does not show up in Add/Remove Programs.  It would seem that It originally was setup for IE first and that FireFox was almost an afterthought.


I have run into another problem.

After installing the CryptoPrevent program and the previous updates, etc.,and rebooting, my entire system now wants to run very slowly on startup and whenever I want to go to any site on IE.  The same is true of running FireFox.  Takes forever to load a new page.  Very annoying.




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Actually, AdBlock Plus was easy to make for Firefox and was available for years before the IE version.  Apparently it was a real bear to get it to work with IE.


If crypto prevent slows you down then uninstall it.  It seems to work fine on my Win 7.

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Hi, Ron,
Well a little clarification, I had done a bunch of the stuff I was working on.  The CryptoPrevent was just the last before I had rebooted.  It may well have been something else causing it to slow down.  I can uninstall it, try some things, and if no better, reinstall it and look elsewhere for whats loading things down.
Maybe tomorrow when I have more time.
I have noticed something interesting also. On my Start/Run/ menu I had a whole list of actions or things to click on to go to including regedit.  Now that menu list is totally clean, no options to choose from.
Now, because of my medications including Chemo, my short-term memory is playing games with me. 

The menu list was helpful to have. 

Note that I have cleaned and deleted and reloaded and removed all sorts of stuff and cleared temp files and such with CCleaner, etc. 

But never, until now, have any of them deleted my list on the run menu options.  I wonder what cleared it?  Oh, well, perhaps I'll just restore back a day or two.
I did install the Installer Cleanup Tool and ran it.  It did not see anything related to Family Tree Maker, so that idea is a bust.  I even ran regedit for anything related and found nothing for the 2005 version.  When I removed it per instructions from Ancestry.com, it cleaned it out good.
It's still the reinstall that's driving me nuts.  And I have not heard anything new form them either.  You had asked back aways if they were gedcom(?) files and the answer is no, but I do have some gedcom files versions of my really older files, they just don't include years worth of extra data and info the regular files have. 

And just because of a quirk of bad timing I have this problem of needing the files to be converted and not having the converter versions to download correctly for who knows what reason.  I just picked the wrong time to not work on my file updates.  If I'd just updated all my files to the 2008 version (or later) I would not be having this problem.
In the meantime, there's a couple other things that you had suggested to do on previous posts that I have not gotten around to.  I'll try to finish them ASAP.

Edited by vhende2000, 09 May 2014 - 09:25 PM.

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Process Explorer eliminates the guess work with slowdowns.


I think we've run it before but if you've already deleted it here's the instructions:


Get Process Explorer
Save it to your desktop then run it (Vista or Win7 - right click and Run As Administrator).  
View, Select Column, check Verified Signer, OK
Options, Verify Image Signatures
Click twice on the CPU column header  to sort things by CPU usage with the big hitters at the top.  
Wait a full minute then:
File, Save As, Save.  Open the file Procexp.txt on your desktop and copy and paste the text to a reply.
We are looking for the top process to be System Idle with over 90 % of the CPU time.  If something else is taking a big chunk of CPU time then it's the problem.  You can right click on it and Pause it.  (Hit Space bar to make it stop changing)
I used to have a copy of Family Tree Maker.  Will look for it.

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Hi, Ron,


Back up the line, I had talked about the problem with (re)installing the Family Tree Maker 2005 Edition which I had 6-7 years ago but not used from then until recently when I had decided to finish up some more data entries onto it. 


I had found that it would not work properly, so I contacted the techs at Ancestry.com and they suggested that I *simply* uninstall and reinstall it.

Wrong idea! 

It will not reinstall and I get an error message stating:


"An installation support file 'C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\{B136E4A4-7660-4f15-9752-EF8E6BA7866D}\_IsUser.dll' could not be installed.

Access is Denied"


[Note that the other files associated with it are apparently connected to The InstallShield program which I recently discovered that I had a problem with and could actually be corrupted.  It is interlaced into WinXP, not a standalong program.]


Then they sent me a downloadable version of FTM 2005 SE (Starter Edition) to try, which is good for only 14 days. 

But it also would not install with the exact same error message as above.


These are important because either program, but especially the Starter Edition, can be used to convert all previous versions of FTM to the current format being used in FTM 2008 (which I also have) and beyound, now up to version 2014.

I cannot install either version, so I am stuck without a solution.


I did setup VEW and tried to install the FTM 2005 CD version and the files are below:


Vino's Event Viewer v01c run on Windows XP in English
Report run at 10/05/2014 12:59:30 AM

Note: All dates below are in the format dd/mm/yyyy

'System' Log - error Type
Log: 'System' Date/Time: 10/05/2014 12:44:17 AM
Type: error Category: 0
Event: 7000 Source: Service Control Manager
The Spybot-S&D 2 Security Center Service service failed to start due to the following error:  The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.  

Log: 'System' Date/Time: 10/05/2014 12:44:17 AM
Type: error Category: 0
Event: 7009 Source: Service Control Manager
Timeout (30000 milliseconds) waiting for the Spybot-S&D 2 Security Center Service service to connect.

Log: 'System' Date/Time: 10/05/2014 12:44:17 AM
Type: error Category: 0
Event: 7023 Source: Service Control Manager
The IPSEC Services service terminated with the following error:  The authentication service is unknown.  

Log: 'System' Date/Time: 10/05/2014 12:43:57 AM
Type: error Category: 0
Event: 1 Source: sr
The System Restore filter encountered the unexpected error '0xC0000043' while processing the file '' on the volume 'HarddiskVolume1'.  It has stopped monitoring the volume.

'System' Log - warning Type


Vino's Event Viewer v01c run on Windows XP in English
Report run at 10/05/2014 12:56:33 AM

Note: All dates below are in the format dd/mm/yyyy

'Application' Log - error Type
Log: 'Application' Date/Time: 10/05/2014 12:47:41 AM
Type: error Category: 3
Event: 3024 Source: Windows Search Service
The update cannot be started because the content sources cannot be accessed. Fix the errors and try the update again.

Context:  Application, SystemIndex Catalog

'Application' Log - warning Type
Log: 'Application' Date/Time: 10/05/2014 12:47:41 AM
Type: warning Category: 3
Event: 3036 Source: Windows Search Service
The content source <outlookexpress://{s-1-5-21-650157257-1361277131-1304445921-1003}/{9f3f1fb5-9ccb-44c4-8345-b1dfb7f0f848}/> cannot be accessed.

Context:  Application, SystemIndex Catalog





Now Process Explorer. 

Note that I am running Firefox as my primary browser at this point.  I will go back to Internet Explorer to show any differences.


Process    PID    CPU    Private Bytes    Working Set    Description    Company Name    Verified Signer
System Idle Process    0    90.63    0 K    28 K            
procexp.exe    2336    3.13    21,088 K    27,024 K    Sysinternals Process Explorer    Sysinternals - www.sysinternals.com    (Verified) Microsoft Corporation
YahooWidgets.exe    2636    1.56    22,228 K    14,116 K    Yahoo! Widgets    Yahoo! Inc.    (Certificate expired) Yahoo! Inc.
SDFSSvc.exe    1912    1.56    34,340 K    38,568 K    Spybot-S&D 2 Scanner Service    Safer-Networking Ltd.    (Verified) Safer Networking Ltd.
Interrupts    n/a    1.56    0 K    0 K    Hardware Interrupts and DPCs        
csrss.exe    504    1.56    1,796 K    4,704 K    Client Server Runtime Process    Microsoft Corporation    (Verified) Microsoft Windows Component Publisher
YahooWidgets.exe    160        23,680 K    22,548 K    Yahoo! Widgets    Yahoo! Inc.    (Certificate expired) Yahoo! Inc.
YahooWidgets.exe    2384        13,248 K    11,464 K    Yahoo! Widgets    Yahoo! Inc.    (Certificate expired) Yahoo! Inc.
YahooAUService.exe    1844        5,572 K    8,256 K    AutoUpater Service Module    Yahoo! Inc.    (Verified) Yahoo! Inc.
wmiprvse.exe    3384        1,864 K    5,060 K    WMI    Microsoft Corporation    (Verified) Microsoft Windows Component Publisher
winlogon.exe    532        6,048 K    3,840 K    Windows NT Logon Application    Microsoft Corporation    (No signature was present in the subject) Microsoft Corporation
WindowsSearch.exe    1016        5,824 K    10,496 K    Windows Search System Tray    Microsoft Corporation    (No signature was present in the subject) Microsoft Corporation
uphclean.exe    1684        596 K    1,356 K    User Profile Hive Cleanup Service    Windows ® Codename Longhorn DDK provider    (No signature was present in the subject) Windows ® Codename Longhorn DDK provider
tgsrvc.exe    1484        456 K    1,508 K    SupportSoft Repair Service    SupportSoft, Inc.    (Verified) SupportSoft
tcpsvcs.exe    1148        1,236 K    3,512 K    TCP/IP Services Application    Microsoft Corporation    (No signature was present in the subject) Microsoft Corporation
System    4        0 K    252 K            
svchost.exe    864        23,476 K    35,700 K    Generic Host Process for Win32 Services    Microsoft Corporation    (Verified) Microsoft Windows Component Publisher
svchost.exe    756        3,068 K    5,080 K    Generic Host Process for Win32 Services    Microsoft Corporation    (No signature was present in the subject) Microsoft Corporation
svchost.exe    796        1,980 K    4,660 K    Generic Host Process for Win32 Services    Microsoft Corporation    (No signature was present in the subject) Microsoft Corporation
svchost.exe    1100        2,248 K    4,592 K    Generic Host Process for Win32 Services    Microsoft Corporation    (Verified) Microsoft Windows Component Publisher
svchost.exe    1200        1,112 K    3,024 K    Generic Host Process for Win32 Services    Microsoft Corporation    (Verified) Microsoft Windows Component Publisher
svchost.exe    3668        2,416 K    4,296 K    Generic Host Process for Win32 Services    Microsoft Corporation    (No signature was present in the subject) Microsoft Corporation
spoolsv.exe    1540        3,844 K    5,900 K    Spooler SubSystem App    Microsoft Corporation    (Verified) Microsoft Windows Component Publisher
smss.exe    448        176 K    436 K    Windows NT Session Manager    Microsoft Corporation    (Verified) Microsoft Windows Component Publisher
Setup.exe    364        1,356 K    4,568 K    InstallShield ® Setup Launcher    InstallShield Software Corporation    (No signature was present in the subject) InstallShield Software Corporation
services.exe    580        1,860 K    3,636 K    Services and Controller app    Microsoft Corporation    (No signature was present in the subject) Microsoft Corporation
searchindexer.exe    1600        19,868 K    13,492 K    Microsoft Windows Search Indexer    Microsoft Corporation    (No signature was present in the subject) Microsoft Corporation
SDUpdSvc.exe    508        7,544 K    11,284 K    Spybot-S&D 2 Background update service    Safer-Networking Ltd.    (Verified) Safer Networking Ltd.
SDTray.exe    3576        23,592 K    29,184 K    Spybot - Search & Destroy tray access    Safer-Networking Ltd.    (Verified) Safer Networking Ltd.
PRISMXL.SYS    1788        468 K    1,844 K    PrismXL Service    New Boundary Technologies, Inc.    (No signature was present in the subject) New Boundary Technologies, Inc.
notepad.exe    4040        980 K    688 K    Notepad    Microsoft Corporation    (No signature was present in the subject) Microsoft Corporation
mDNSResponder.exe    1604        988 K    3,196 K    Bonjour Service    Apple Inc.    (Verified) Apple Inc.
lsass.exe    592        3,948 K    1,080 K    LSA Shell (Export Version)    Microsoft Corporation    (Verified) Microsoft Windows Component Publisher
iTunesHelper.exe    3320        10,320 K    14,800 K    iTunesHelper    Apple Inc.    (Verified) Apple Inc.
iPodService.exe    3996        2,428 K    4,080 K    iPodService Module (32-bit)    Apple Inc.    (Verified) Apple Inc.
IKernel.exe    2652        8,436 K    11,612 K    InstallShield ® Setup Engine    InstallShield Software Corporation    (No signature was present in the subject) InstallShield Software Corporation
HPZipm12.exe    1748        552 K    1,840 K    PML Driver    HP    (No signature was present in the subject) HP
firefox.exe    3664        375,940 K    366,388 K    Firefox    Mozilla Corporation    (Verified) Mozilla Corporation
explorer.exe    1300        28,976 K    15,672 K    Windows Explorer    Microsoft Corporation    (No signature was present in the subject) Microsoft Corporation
DivXUpdate.exe    4048        9,336 K    14,664 K    DivX Update        (Verified) DivX
AvastUI.exe    3292        31,876 K    20,108 K    avast! Antivirus    AVAST Software    (Verified) AVAST Software a.s.
AvastSvc.exe    1352        37,592 K    40,536 K    avast! Service    AVAST Software    (Verified) AVAST Software a.s.
AppleMobileDeviceService.exe    1592        9,240 K    12,568 K    YSLoader.exe    Apple Inc.    (Verified) Apple Inc.
alg.exe    2388        1,184 K    3,640 K    Application Layer Gateway Service    Microsoft Corporation    (No signature was present in the subject) Microsoft Corporation
ALCWZRD.EXE    3168        6,956 K    8,896 K    RealTek AlcWzrd Application    RealTek Semicoductor Corp.    (No signature was present in the subject) RealTek Semicoductor Corp.



Now Process Explorer with Internet Explorer 8

Process    PID    CPU    Private Bytes    Working Set    Description    Company Name    Verified Signer
System Idle Process    0    86.57    0 K    28 K            
procexp.exe    2336    4.48    22,972 K    14,044 K    Sysinternals Process Explorer    Sysinternals - www.sysinternals.com    (Verified) Microsoft Corporation
Interrupts    n/a    4.48    0 K    0 K    Hardware Interrupts and DPCs        
csrss.exe    504    2.99    1,796 K    4,852 K    Client Server Runtime Process    Microsoft Corporation    (Verified) Microsoft Windows Component Publisher
firefox.exe    3664    1.49    378,868 K    369,708 K    Firefox    Mozilla Corporation    (Verified) Mozilla Corporation
YahooWidgets.exe    2636        22,224 K    14,168 K    Yahoo! Widgets    Yahoo! Inc.    (Certificate expired) Yahoo! Inc.
YahooWidgets.exe    160        23,856 K    22,740 K    Yahoo! Widgets    Yahoo! Inc.    (Certificate expired) Yahoo! Inc.
YahooWidgets.exe    2384        13,248 K    11,464 K    Yahoo! Widgets    Yahoo! Inc.    (Certificate expired) Yahoo! Inc.
YahooAUService.exe    1844        5,572 K    8,256 K    AutoUpater Service Module    Yahoo! Inc.    (Verified) Yahoo! Inc.
winlogon.exe    532        6,056 K    1,136 K    Windows NT Logon Application    Microsoft Corporation    (No signature was present in the subject) Microsoft Corporation
WindowsSearch.exe    1016        5,824 K    10,496 K    Windows Search System Tray    Microsoft Corporation    (No signature was present in the subject) Microsoft Corporation
uphclean.exe    1684        596 K    1,356 K    User Profile Hive Cleanup Service    Windows ® Codename Longhorn DDK provider    (No signature was present in the subject) Windows ® Codename Longhorn DDK provider
tgsrvc.exe    1484        456 K    1,508 K    SupportSoft Repair Service    SupportSoft, Inc.    (Verified) SupportSoft
tcpsvcs.exe    1148        1,236 K    3,512 K    TCP/IP Services Application    Microsoft Corporation    (No signature was present in the subject) Microsoft Corporation
taskmgr.exe    1724        1,368 K    1,944 K            
System    4        0 K    252 K            
svchost.exe    3668        2,464 K    4,316 K    Generic Host Process for Win32 Services    Microsoft Corporation    (No signature was present in the subject) Microsoft Corporation
svchost.exe    864        23,436 K    35,820 K    Generic Host Process for Win32 Services    Microsoft Corporation    (Verified) Microsoft Windows Component Publisher
svchost.exe    756        3,112 K    5,092 K    Generic Host Process for Win32 Services    Microsoft Corporation    (No signature was present in the subject) Microsoft Corporation
svchost.exe    796        1,980 K    4,660 K    Generic Host Process for Win32 Services    Microsoft Corporation    (No signature was present in the subject) Microsoft Corporation
svchost.exe    1100        1,944 K    4,288 K    Generic Host Process for Win32 Services    Microsoft Corporation    (Verified) Microsoft Windows Component Publisher
svchost.exe    1200        1,112 K    3,024 K    Generic Host Process for Win32 Services    Microsoft Corporation    (Verified) Microsoft Windows Component Publisher
spoolsv.exe    1540        3,844 K    5,900 K    Spooler SubSystem App    Microsoft Corporation    (Verified) Microsoft Windows Component Publisher
smss.exe    448        176 K    436 K    Windows NT Session Manager    Microsoft Corporation    (Verified) Microsoft Windows Component Publisher
Setup.exe    364        1,356 K    4,568 K    InstallShield ® Setup Launcher    InstallShield Software Corporation    (No signature was present in the subject) InstallShield Software Corporation
services.exe    580        1,860 K    3,648 K    Services and Controller app    Microsoft Corporation    (No signature was present in the subject) Microsoft Corporation
searchprotocolhost.exe    3556        4,564 K    5,744 K    Microsoft Windows Search Protocol Host    Microsoft Corporation    (No signature was present in the subject) Microsoft Corporation
searchindexer.exe    1600        21,096 K    14,460 K    Microsoft Windows Search Indexer    Microsoft Corporation    (No signature was present in the subject) Microsoft Corporation
searchfilterhost.exe    3596        3,120 K    5,072 K    Microsoft Windows Search Filter Host    Microsoft Corporation    (No signature was present in the subject) Microsoft Corporation
SDUpdSvc.exe    508        7,544 K    11,284 K    Spybot-S&D 2 Background update service    Safer-Networking Ltd.    (Verified) Safer Networking Ltd.
SDTray.exe    3576        23,592 K    29,252 K    Spybot - Search & Destroy tray access    Safer-Networking Ltd.    (Verified) Safer Networking Ltd.
SDFSSvc.exe    1912        34,340 K    38,572 K    Spybot-S&D 2 Scanner Service    Safer-Networking Ltd.    (Verified) Safer Networking Ltd.
PRISMXL.SYS    1788        468 K    1,844 K    PrismXL Service    New Boundary Technologies, Inc.    (No signature was present in the subject) New Boundary Technologies, Inc.
mDNSResponder.exe    1604        988 K    3,196 K    Bonjour Service    Apple Inc.    (Verified) Apple Inc.
lsass.exe    592        3,768 K    2,268 K    LSA Shell (Export Version)    Microsoft Corporation    (Verified) Microsoft Windows Component Publisher
iTunesHelper.exe    3320        10,320 K    14,800 K    iTunesHelper    Apple Inc.    (Verified) Apple Inc.
iPodService.exe    3996        2,428 K    4,080 K    iPodService Module (32-bit)    Apple Inc.    (Verified) Apple Inc.
IKernel.exe    2652        8,436 K    11,612 K    InstallShield ® Setup Engine    InstallShield Software Corporation    (No signature was present in the subject) InstallShield Software Corporation
iexplore.exe    860        99,620 K    9,872 K    Internet Explorer    Microsoft Corporation    (Verified) Microsoft Windows
HPZipm12.exe    1748        552 K    1,840 K    PML Driver    HP    (No signature was present in the subject) HP
explorer.exe    1300        29,184 K    17,884 K    Windows Explorer    Microsoft Corporation    (No signature was present in the subject) Microsoft Corporation
DivXUpdate.exe    4048        9,336 K    14,664 K    DivX Update        (Verified) DivX
AvastUI.exe    3292        31,880 K    20,132 K    avast! Antivirus    AVAST Software    (Verified) AVAST Software a.s.
AvastSvc.exe    1352        37,672 K    40,100 K    avast! Service    AVAST Software    (Verified) AVAST Software a.s.
AppleMobileDeviceService.exe    1592        9,240 K    12,568 K    YSLoader.exe    Apple Inc.    (Verified) Apple Inc.
alg.exe    2388        1,184 K    3,640 K    Application Layer Gateway Service    Microsoft Corporation    (No signature was present in the subject) Microsoft Corporation
ALCWZRD.EXE    3168        6,956 K    8,932 K    RealTek AlcWzrd Application    RealTek Semicoductor Corp.    (No signature was present in the subject) RealTek Semicoductor Corp.


Interestingly, I have noticed that lately the CPU seems to be running a lot quieter whenever I had switched over to FireFox. 

But the really strange thing is (like at this moment) whenever I switched back over to Internet Explorer as the primary browser, the system is STILL quieter than it has been for quite a while.

I do not know if something has changed with the system or whatever, and whether or not it will remain relatively quiet.


Hope this is helpful.






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The quieter is probably real.  If you look at the Process Explorer for IE you will see that 


Interrupts    n/a    4.48    0 K    0 K    Hardware Interrupts and DPCs       


This is really out of tolerance.  Usually it is a lot closer to 1.25 or so.  Normally it's some poorly written driver but I'm not sure what IE is up to.


I would uninstall Spybot if it will uninstall since it is not working correctly.  Windows Search is also not working very well.  I usually just go into services.msc and change its Startup Type: to Disabled.  But you can try:


Method 1:

You may run the fixit from the following link and check for the issue:

Fix Windows Desktop Search when it crashes or not showing results


Method 2:

You may try rebuilding the index to see if it works:

Change advanced indexing options




Do you think Family Tree Maker 10 could read your files?  It's copyright is 2007.  I found a copy in my files.  Can try to install it on my XP and see how it works.

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Hi, Ron,
I uninstalled SpyBot with Revo Uninstaller, no problem.  And I Disabled/Stopped the Windows Search services. 
I also noticed (for the first time ever!) an icon that popped up on the Windows TaskBar which turned out to be 'Windows Messenger'.  I have no idea where this has come from, especially now.  I don't use it, never did before, so I went online to find out something about it. 
Works with Outlook and other stuff which I also do not use, so I followed instructions on line to modify the registry to basicly tell it not to start up at bootup.  Wierd, huh?  Why now?  Don't care.
Went into Wikipedia for Family Tree Maker and pulled up the version history (lots of other good stuff there about the history of the program and companies that started them).
Turns out your Version 10 program originated in 2002 (if the article is correct).  My version 2005 came a couple years later in Aug 2004 and the 2008 version came out around 2007.  Bottom line:  your older program will not run my 2005 nor 2008 data files.
I still need to get 2005 or 2005 SE to install properly.  Then I can "convert the files" and go to any program version 2008 and later.
I had indicated that I had been in contact with FTM's service group via telephone at Ancestry.com and other (more knowledgeable?) support staff folks via email.  I had sent to them several different files with different amounts of 'compaction' and then zipped them so the email could handle them.
Alas, I find out only now that 'nobody', that I was in communications with, "ever received the emails (and files) that I had promised them."
Big waste of time and an extremely disfunctional group. 
Mind you, I had been on the phone and emails asking continuously whether they had received them.  The answer I got back was "yes, we got them, we'll get back to you."  And then nothing......... 
Question:  Internet Explorer has a neat capability of simply making a shortcut to a web page and pasting it onto the Desktop or folder of your choice.
I use this handy item ALL the time.  Do you know if FireFox has something similar?  If it does (or something close to the same thing), then I haven't found it (yet). 
Any ideas?  Then I would be ready to dump IE8 completely.


P.S.  Was I working with you or someone else a while back on this FTM stuff and trying to change permissions on the .dll file and also the folder to eliminate at least one stopper on the program install (access denied error)?

I'm worried that I might not have gotten the steps correctly entered.

Does this sound familiar?

My short term memory problem is bugging me again.


Thanks, again


P.P.S.  I've got to call a management meeting with Me, Myself, and I, and get a consensus vote!

Edited by vhende2000, 11 May 2014 - 11:18 PM.

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