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Hard to describe TV problem

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Devon Smith

Devon Smith

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my lg hdtv goes haywire whenever my Playstation 3 is on and the tv's input is set to the one for the console.  It controls itself and does not respond to manual control either directly or through remote control.  I have a Nintendo Wii too, but this issue has yet to happen because of the Wii, so it seems isolated to the PS3, and it stops once a game loads through the console or the console itself is turned off, but is still really annoying because it can even switch inputs and turn itself off.  On top of that, just tonight it was even stranger because the problem persisted after a game was loaded on the PS3 and even after the system was turned off.  Even turning the tv off (which had to be done by unplugging the unit since the power wouldn't respond to manual control either) and turning it right back on didn't work.  It had to be left off for at least ten minutes before it went back to normal.  Still, I'm concerned that it might do this again the next time I try to play the PS3 but I don't know how to troubleshoot.  I imagine it would be best to call a technician, but I want to avoid that if at all possible.  So, any advice?

Edited by Devon Smith, 11 April 2014 - 10:47 PM.

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Hi, Firstly I would check the HDMI cable. HDMI can control a televisions functions so if the signal is corrupted, it could cause strange behaviour.

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