O.k. i may have posted this issue once before, thought i corrected it and found the culprit.
Files are being written in a hidden folder C:\Users\Public\Recorded TV\TempRec\TempSBE
They are as big as 2GB .
I see these files by using a program called TreeSize Pro.
At first i suspected it was Hauppauge's WinTV tuner card software i have in the system doing this. But it turned out this was not the cause of these files being written.
Turns out from research online from others, it is Windows Media Center doing it.
Temp.SBE, SBE standing for Stream Buffer Engine, which allows you to pause LiveTV. They should be in the Recorded TV\TempRec\TempSBE folder which are a hidden file.
What's strange to me is i do not Record Live TV ,never have so far, so why in a folder that is named Recorded TV, if it for pausing live TV ?
Question is how to stop this process and what other effects would it have on Windows Media Center if i do ?
I thought it had to do with WMC downloading possibly TV Guide updates.
Anyone has a clue to how to stop it, i saw one thread that said to check here in Registry :
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Media Center\Service\BackgroundScanner\PeriodicScanEnabled
And to make the DWord 0 for disabled 1 for enabled.
When i go to this folder i find nothing in it at the time the 2Gigs are taken and i do have folder option settings to show hidden files and folders, Someone told me to also show "Protected operating system file" to see them ,but as said i use TreeSize and see them.
If i reboot the PC, these files are gone.
Edited by jds63, 02 May 2014 - 02:45 PM.