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Thanks re the timely responses and following directions.  I was happy to hear the latter as I often complain about how people cannot follow directions so glad I do not have to eat my words.


I ran OTL.  AdwCleaner was not on my computer.  I searched for it and then checked in the control panel.  There were two adwcleaner text files which I deleted.  Should I remove ESET, WhoCrashed and HijackThis? I figure when you say "if there are any left over tools or logs on you computer please delete them now", you mean these program, but would prefer to clarify.


I am running the Disk Clean up and will complete that task. 


Thanks for the information on safe computing practices.

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I ran the Disk Cleanup and did as you asked by clicking on More Options/System Restore and shadow copies/cleanup.  When I try to close the program, I get two options, Delete Files or Cancel.  I clicked on view files and windows explorer opens and the folder that opens is C:\Windows\Downloaded Program Files but in the left panel it shows all of the computer files and folders and I can click on any of them.  I have not clicked on delete files and if I click cancel, it simply brings me back to the program.  Please let me know how to proceed. I am leaving the program open.

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I have deleted the files. :spoton:

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