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Want fast startup times? READ ME!

windows startup

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Most reasons why a PC starts up slow, is that it is loading too many start-up programs.


Check task manager under startup, services.msc, msconfig.,


Before turning off anything make a system restore point. Research what the startup is if you do not know or if you are not sure.


Make sure it is not needed to startup before disabling it. Always look within the software first if there is a way to turn it off, before using task manager startup items, services.msc or msconfig.


True these programs do it for you when not familiar with what you are doing, but can make a mess for you. Just saying most of those speed up your PC programs are things you can do yourself once you know how.

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Most reasons why a PC starts up slow, is that it is loading too many start-up programs.
Check task manager under startup, services.msc, msconfig.,
Before turning off anything make a system restore point. Research what the startup is if you do not know or if you are not sure.
Make sure it is not needed to startup before disabling it. Always look within the software first if there is a way to turn it off, before using task manager startup items, services.msc or msconfig.
True these programs do it for you when not familiar with what you are doing, but can make a mess for you. Just saying most of those speed up your PC programs are things you can do yourself once you know how.


I have only 7 programs at start up, including Microsoft's/ Nvidia's/ anti virus, yet my PC takes about 90-100 seconds to start up now which is still a lot better compared to what it used to be ( 3 minutes + )
Now dont get me wrong, it's not like Im trying to " advertise " my own thread, but if you're familiar with slow PC start ups would you please check out my thread?


Try this!

Hi there
I tried this but it said it was unable to find any performance problems with my PC, so it didnt help at all.

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I agree with jds63!

There's not much more you can do!

Read this link!


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As this thread is not a request for help but more information only it is not appropriate to offer assistance here


Please start your own topic on the Hardware Forum and we will be happy to assist you there.


FWIW,  registry cleaners when not used correctly can render a computer inoperable, only experienced/advanced users have need or should use them due to the potential damage that can be caused.

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I see, I thought I could do that since it's about the same subject, I just didnt know this since Im new here, sorry, also thanks for letting me know about it.


Anyway .. may someone please tell me what's the average start-up time of PCs with Windows 7 OS ?

I mean, how much time does a normal PC need to start up ? I need to know this just so I make sure there's nothing wrong with my PC start up.


Thanks in advance


EDIT: Without SSD installed.

Edited by Vladimir123, 16 August 2014 - 12:19 PM.

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No harm done Vladimir123 but as per my reply #19 please start your own topic where you will get the required help, it will help us if you can download then run Speccy (free) and post the resultant url in your OP on the hardware forum, details here

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The OP wasn't one starting this post, but true be best to solve his issue in hardware post.


I did not mention could be other causes, just that using programs is not always a good solution. Most can be done without them with experience.


True Donetao, in your article forgot to mention some of those, like defrag if it wasn't done in a long time.Updating drivers, must be cautious, try let Windows update find them for you if it can, go to manufacturer's website.  As Phill said with registry cleaners, tread lightly or not at all, unless you really have the knowledge of registry.


Again before experimenting,make a restore point.

Edited by jds63, 16 August 2014 - 02:39 PM.

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Hello! jds63 I don't think you read my link. Defrag was in the suggestions! :yes:

ScanDisk and Defrag

Running Microsoft ScanDisk and Defrag or similar disk utilities on the computer can help verify the hard drive has no errors, as well as make sure the data on the hard drive is organized in the most efficient method. We suggest running both of these utilities at least once every few months.

Attached Thumbnails

  • Capture48.JPG

Edited by donetao, 16 August 2014 - 03:29 PM.

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I did, i said if it wasn't done in awhile or long time, meaning it shouldn't be done too often.(DEFRAG)


This kind of stuff is second nature to me in that article, but it does lists some of the most basic.


Oh,yes i missed saying scandisk. :prop:

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I did, i said if it wasn't done in awhile or long time, meaning it shouldn't be done too often.(DEFRAG)


This kind of stuff is second nature to me in that article, but it does lists some of the most basic.


Oh,yes i missed saying scandisk. :prop:

Hello jds63! Second nature to you but maybe not to the OP. As Mr. Phill has suggested; time to open a new thread. :prop:

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Yes, not bragging just trying to educate and help. I saw that.In wrong place as Phill

suggested tho.

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