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Weird problem

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Yes the +12v was at 11.668 and for the drivers I thought that might had been the problem last time this happened so I attempted to update them and it was telling me that they were up to date already so I didn't do anything to them. That being said, I ended up fixing the problem without updating the drivers so that can't be the problem right?
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It still could be the issue if not just in part. It also could be a faulty video card or a hidden infection. I prefer to start with the drivers so I'm going to suggest the following.

Download DriverMax and have it scan your system. It will open their website with all the out of date drivers you can update. With the free version you can update only 2 drivers per day so if you have a lot of them it will take a few days to get everything updated. I have been using it for about a year now and like it better then any other utility out there for keeping my drivers up to date.
If you want you can post screenshots of all the drivers in the list that need to be updated and I will suggest in what order to get them.
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Might take a little more than a few days, which should I get first?







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Get the smbus controller first and then the video card driver.
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Is there a good chance that this is the cause of my problem?


My computer has blue screened twice

Edited by jay721, 01 August 2014 - 06:34 PM.

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Blue screened after installing one of the drivers?
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Yes it has done it about 10 times now it did it once while installing the vid driver then I turned it back on and was able to install it then it did it 3 more times while trying to install the smbus one then it would happen after 5 minutes of being on. Finally I was able to system restore and it hasn't done it so far it has never done this before



I'm only on facebook and this is happening



Edited by jay721, 01 August 2014 - 07:36 PM.

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One of my friend told me that my pc might be being used as a botnet

Edited by jay721, 01 August 2014 - 10:47 PM.

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I seriously doubt the botnet issue but something is for sure using a lot of cpu on your system. Before I go any farther I would like to make sure it is not a backdoor virus causing this.

I suspect that you have some malware on your computer causing issues that we are not able to solve through means we can use here in the Tech Forums. I suggest you read the 'Start Here' topic found HERE. With these self-help tools you have a high chance of fixing the problems on your own. If you are still having problems after following Step 3 of the guide, continue with Step 4 and 5 and post in the Malware Forum. If you are unable to run any programs, Please create a topic stating what you have tried so far and that you are unable to run any programs. Also, Please do NOT post the logs in this thread.

If you are still having issues after the malware expert gives you a clean bill of health, Please return to THIS thread and we will pursue other options to help you solve your current problem(s).
Add a link to this topic so that malware tech can see what steps have been taken here
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Woke up this morning and got on opened tm and this is what I see 



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I think you need to visit the malware techs and let them do some deep scans off your system looking for some backdoor trojan.
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