Hello there
I searced a lot about this subject and never managed to find a real website where I can work to earn money.
Im looking for an easier way to earn money, such as clicking advertisements/ answering surveys or any other similar easy job.
I already know about Neobux and I know it's not a scam, indeed this website does pay its users .. but you earn very little at this website, I mean if you're a regular user you earn about $0.2 daily which is really low.
Im not looking for a job that'll make me a millionaire, but Im not looking for a website that earns me almost nothing a day neither.
Now I am looking forward to see some suggestions on how to earn online, no scams.
Please tell me any easier way to earn money online.
And one more thing, Im not sure if this might be a problem but, Im a minor, it shouldnt be a problem in finding a website where minors are allowed to work, should it ?
Thanks in advance