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Windows 10...

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So, I want to switch to Windows 10. No clue how it'd work out. I can always revert. Main questions, can I do it with a GTX 760 and my BIOS?


Speccy list attached.. (Copy and paste crashes Chrome..)


Edit: ASUS was of NO help too me, at all.

Edited by Alan1998, 06 October 2014 - 08:17 AM.

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Hello Alan,


No Speccy url attached I`m afraid  :(


Hardware requirements will not change too much than what Windows 7 and above require, Vista will most likely even be able to be upgraded to 10 in certain instances.


Windows 10 final product will not be released until at least mid 2015 btw.


NB: So that I can confirm that you have received notification of my reply to your topic please click on the Follow this topic tab at the upper right corner of the page. 

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I made a recovery drive of my Win 8.1 and an image before I upgraded.  Windows does a pre-check of your system before it installs Win 10.


I had to abort my install because it hung up but it reverted to Win 8.1 with a built in restore function. It installed OK on the second try.


Here are the system requirements from MS   http://windows.micro...ew-faq#faq=tab1


You can get it here                http://windows.micro...windows/preview


So far it has worked very well for me.  It is like having  Win 7.5


I installed it on the HD of a backup machine ( Acer Netbook w/ 4 GB ram )

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great link on ms from the "before you install"



A preview for PC experts

Windows Technical Preview is here today, but it’s a long way from done. We’re going to make it faster, better, more fun at parties...you get the idea. Join the Windows Insider Program to make sure you get all the new features that are on the way. If you’re okay with a moving target and don’t want to miss out on the latest stuff, keep reading. Technical Preview could be just your thing.

Download and install the preview only if you
  • Want to try out software that’s still in development and like sharing your opinion about it.

  • Don’t mind lots of updates or a UI design that might change significantly over time.

  • Really know your way around a PC and feel comfortable troubleshooting problems, backing up data, formatting a hard drive, installing an operating system from scratch, or restoring your old one if necessary.

  • Know what an ISO file is and how to use it.

  • Aren't installing it on your everyday computer.

We're not kidding about the expert thing. So if you think BIOS is a new plant-based fuel, Tech Preview may not be right for you.

Things to keep in mind

Unexpected PC crashes could damage or even delete your files, so you should back up everything. Some printers and other hardware might not work, and some software might not install or work correctly, including antivirus or security programs. You might also have trouble connecting to home or corporate networks.

Also, if your PC runs into problems, Microsoft will likely examine your system files. If the privacy of your system files is a concern, consider using a different PC. For more info, read our privacy statement.

What does it work with?

Technical Preview should work with the same devices and programs that work with Windows 8.1, but you might need to update or reinstall some of them.

Drivers for basic functions like storage, networking, input, and display come with Windows. These drivers allow you to complete the Windows installation and connect to the Internet. You might be able to get more drivers from Windows Update.

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After doing some more reading, the technical review will expire on April 14th.  However, the customer preview should be available by then.


As Dave46 pointed out, you need to have a recovery point before you start. Otherwise you will risk having to reload your operating system. 


Actually Grinler has a very nice post about this over at BleepingComputer:



All I'm saying is beware. Beta testing an O/S isn't for everyone. Feel free to dive in play with it.  Just backup you data before you do so in case you find something that forces you to revert.

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I don't believe it's a full, official copy, so I recommend not to use it primarily on your computer. It's mainly for testing purposes and not completely cleaned out.

As far as your question goes, the hardware requirements shouldn't have changed too much. I'd say that's perfectly fine to run Windows 10.

Edited by Robust, 06 October 2014 - 12:22 PM.

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Computer + School WiFi don't mix well. (More so when they are in the process of changing it all up :))


Edit: Also, data loss isn't a concern of mine. Anything important I have is saved on an External Drive, not hosted by my computer.


Edit 2: @Phil http://speccy.pirifo...hAfBzEUx52XuMin


Some google searches did me well. Google wasn't finding anything at first. Modified the parameters a little bit and BOOM, lol.

Edited by Alan1998, 06 October 2014 - 01:37 PM.

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Hello Alan,


Thanks for the Speccy url which shows that you are well covered hardware wise  :thumbsup:


As for your present OS, from one of the links that Starjax kindly post in reply #4


For Windows 7 or Windows Vista: Before you update, you might be able to create recovery media from a recovery partition on your PC using software provided by your PC manufacturer. Check the support section of your PC manufacturer's website for more info.



Let us know if you need the details for downloading a Windows 7 ISO etc

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I have a complete Win 7 install disc + Key's for activating Win 7...


That's of no concern. All important data is currently back upp onto my Flash Drive. I have a 2TB ready to go using USB 3.0..


I also have the Win 10 ISO ready..

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All good then it would seem but please do heed the prompt about testing beta software  ;) 

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I understand the warnings. I will set a VM up first. See what it behaves like there, then if all looks good, will move onto the actual PC

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Let us know your impressions.   Have they really removed the Charm Bar?

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There is no metro UI anymore. (First login screen). The Start Menu is back (From Win 7, but has includded the main features from Win 8/8.1 (News, Store, Calender etc))


Aside from that, don't know much else yet. I left it overnight to install stuff.


Edit: When I get back from School, I can make a little video showing bootup and everything for you guys.

Edited by Alan1998, 07 October 2014 - 03:47 AM.

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That's a great idea. 

Can you hide the Desktop, as in XP, giving just a blank coloured screen?

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No clue.. Haven't tried that. You mean the little button in the bottom right corner? (Right beside the time).


Haven't tried any of the virtual Desktop stuff yet, that's something high up on the list..

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