Please Help Me!
I recently bought a new 17" Lenovo laptop (windows 8.1) and from the first day I started using it I noticed that when I search google images and click on something to make it bigger it doesn't seem to focus on the image properly and therefore the image is made bigger but it's extremely bad quality/grainy looking/out of focus/pixilated.
This only seems to be an issue when I use Internet explorer, it focuses on the image correctly when I use Firefox.
It has always bothered me but recently I've started creating a website on wix and I've uploaded some pictures from google that I want to use but when I upload them using Internet Explorer or Firefox the quality is extremely pixilated! Now I know sometimes picture quality can change and if you take a really small picture and try to use it on a large space it will go grainy BUT I'm taking any and every picture and simply using it on like profile picture size boxes, the smallest ones possible and it's still horrible; like I said before it's like it's not altering the quality of the image like it should (I've never had this problem on my old laptop).
I have even tried using wallpaper images I like (thinking they are meant to be used on big spaces) and used them in small spaces instead but it's still terribly pixilated.
Please let me know what the issue is and how I can make this problem go away.
I would appreciate it so much.
Edited by LunaShae, 11 November 2014 - 10:14 AM.