this is the video.
Ah, now I have formatting!
It did seem like things took the right amount of time, and I got the right messages that would point towards a complete factory reset. I even got to select my new keyboard langauge. When I was done I clicked a button to restart, and it went into the normal restart mode.
When I did the reinstall I got to choose a disc, and it said that this disc has 490 Gb, which is what my windows 7 installation had assigned, because the Linux Mint is using something like 150 Gb if I remember correctly. I don't particularly need the space, but since I don't use the linux installation at all at the moment it feels cleaner to just remove it. Honestly I like the idea of linux and I'd like to try it, but it just doesn't seem supported enough... But that's another discussion.
I do have access to other computers, but they are not mine. If it's possible to solve it right away on the computer I prefer that, but if not, that's no problem. Is it possible to do the installation from a portable disc rather than a cd in that case, or does it have to be a cd?