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Malware Bytes and Bitdefender conflict

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  • PipPipPip
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I installed Bitdefender on a XP laptop which has the malwarebytes premium software also installed.  Now I get error messages at each startup that Bitdefender has blocked software it considers to be harmful.  At the same time I get a message from malwarebytes that rootkiller has been blocked.   There seems to be no way to directly contact Bitdefender.com (no user forums, no contact us)  Is this a solvable problem or should I look for another anti virus software?

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    Trusted Helper

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You may want to see the Malwarebytes forum for this particular issue. Please see the thread. This first one is for 2011 products... So scroll down and see / read the entire thread.

Setting Exclusions for Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware in BitDefender 2011 Products:

See if any help is Here
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I was not able to find the information needed to understand and remove the problem so I will need to find another anti virus. Is AVG still an acceptable choice?

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    Trusted Helper

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I'm not really fond of AVG, I would recommend Microsoft Security Essentials. So I have provided instructions for doing that.

Read all the instructions twice before doing anything, then proceed with them.

Download Microsoft security Essentials from Here

Download it to the desktop and do not install it yet until we remove bitdefender. See instructions below for that procedure.

1. Remove bitdefender.

2. Click > start > Control panel > Programs & Features.

3. In the list Find Bitdefender and uninstall it.


Download and run the bitdefender Uninstall tool, link below.

http://www.bitdefend...nstall_Tool.exe <-- A box will pop up, save the file to the desktop and run it.

Once it's uninstalled, double click the Microsoft Security Essentials set up file that we previously downloaded and install it.

Let me know when that is done.

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