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Which internet browser is the best, if there is such a thing?

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  • PipPipPip
  • 341 posts
LOL and I use Microsoft Edge. It's really fast, I like the interface and I even started to don't care about the ads because of the missing extensions. The crazy thing is that I have Chrome just to access my password manager, but that will change after the June Anniversary update. Now call me stupid. :D And if there is a bug as i'm an Insider there is the favorite Feedback button. But on release channel it's a stable and secure browser.
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I have used many browsers.


Internet Explorer - Some of the sites are not properly opening up, yes, it's site problem but as a user i don't like this.


Mozilla -I liked mozilla very much, but i have seen browser crashing many times.


chrome - Now i am using chrome and happy with it.


so my vote will go to google chrome.



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