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Changing The Volume Limit (Decreasing Maximum Volume)

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So my problem is that I want to adjust the possible maximum volume to be lower than what it actually is.


For example, refer to the attached image:

• I use headphones and the volume is at the normal state that I want to listen to, pictured under "1)".

• Yet, if I set the volume notch to what it pictured under "2)", that is VERY loud, which implies that the rest of the top part of the bar is really unnecessary for me to use, since it would be way beyond loud.

• I want to set the "2)" notch sound all the way up to the maximum, what is pictured under "3)", and be able to use the full bar to maximum usage, where I can have more variety of volumes that are more precise that I can use and listen to.


I am using a Creative Sound Blaster Audigy card that I'm using.


Thanks for the assistance

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Hi Pepanee,


I believe I understand what you are trying to accomplish but I'm afraid it's not as simple as it sounds. This is a gap between Windows and the Creative sound card which I don't believe we can resolve on our own. Here are a few things we can try though:


  1. Do your headphones have a volume control button/wheel attached to the cord? Some brands equip their headphones with these devices so you can control the volume directly without involving the Windows volume settings. If your headphones have this feature, then try making some adjustments. I know that if my headphones were set all the way to max and Windows was set to max, I would be deaf.
  2. Do you have the most recent Creative audio drivers installed? Do you know how to check?


Let us know on the above and good luck! :thumbsup:

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So I've been messing around with many different things and taking in what you said in consideration:


1) The headphone jack is connected to external computer speakers, which is connected to the Creative sound card. The headphones do not have a volume adjuster on it, yet the speakers have a knob to turn up the volume and down (similar to if the headphones would have a knob). Yet there's a problem with that whole deal; that knob has to be exactly in the center (between lowest and highest) so there wouldn't be an hissing static sound. (Don't ask me why there's hissing sound even when I set it lower and lower; God only knows why the heck this thing does that; it has to be exactly in the center for the least lowest hissing which I can barely hear) So we can rule out the possibility of adjusting the knob of the volume.. Man though! It would've been the perfect solution to it all!

2) Yes, I tried updating the drivers and the same thing still happens. Uninstalled, re-installed drivers, same thing.


So I figured a solution. I guess it wont be too much of a hassle, but when I click the volume icon, I press the Mixer link. Then I set the default volume all the way up to 100, and for all the programs, that I would have to open on demand, I would set that bar to 20 (while the default main one is still set at 100). (I am assuming Windows saves those settings so I don't have to set them every time I start up the computer). So now the possible maximum volume for my applications are scaled from 0 - 20% of the real volume bar. For example, if I set the default volume icon now to 40:

• Equation: 40 x (20/100) = 8. 

Then my programs will be playing at 8 instead of what it would originally be 40 (which is deafening), you see what I'm saying? 


I'm a person of simplicity to where I want to set the most basic possible adjustment to fix issues. But I guess this option isn't too bad.



Edited by Pepanee, 30 December 2014 - 01:29 AM.

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Refer to the image below of above's explanation...


(Hey, just as a note to web admins of these forums, if you're reading this... I can attach a file when I first create a Topic (as you can see the picture of the 3 volume bars above).

Yet when I post a reply, there's no way to add an attachment. Is that a bug in the forums?)


Well, here's a link to what I'm saying above: http://oi62.tinypic.com/4lkh1s.jpg 

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Click on the More Reply Options button below and to the right of the message input area.

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There it is. Sorry about that. My mind got a work out trying to figure out what's above. 

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Edited by Pepanee, 30 December 2014 - 06:25 PM.

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Unfortunately I think that's the best you can really do outside of replacing your headphones with a model that has a volume control attached. If anyone else from the community has anything to add, I would like to hear more!

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I love the quality these headphones make sound =) 

So I'm keeping them for a minute.


But I wanna say thanks for your help. I'll see you around the forums

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