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Blue Screen Of Death

blue screen of death y50

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Hello, I have purchased my laptop (Lenovo Y50) around 4 months ago and ever since it has been acting up quite a bit. First problem occurred around 4 weeks ago with me getting the  "kernel_data_inpage_error" screen. Worried I tested my hard drives and ram but everything seemed okay. Two days ago, out of blue I got the "process1_initialization_failed" resulting in my laptop being stuck in a loop, with it booting up and turning off while getting the same error. I had to restore it to default resulting in loss of everything I had before. I still have a warranty on the laptop but I would like to know what is wrong with it before returning it. I do not want Lenovo just to reboot the laptop and tell me it's all good and have it happen again. I use this computer for school work and can not afford to lose my data out of blue. My bet is that the hard drive is defective but I'm just a casual that uses google as main source. 


Few other weird things happening that might be related:

  • As I open it up sometimes the keyboard won't work and I have to restart the computer. 
  • Same problem ^ but with speakers.
  • Same problem ^ but with mouse.
  • When in task manager my hard drive is at 99% usage lot of times and computer becomes slow.


(Feel free to move this thread to other forum as Windows might not be the right one)


Link to task manager: http://imgur.com/zRM1BxB

Edited by xFIJI, 26 January 2015 - 06:26 PM.

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    Mechanised Mod

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:welcome:    xFIJI,


As the notebook is only 4 months old I suggest that you open a ticket with Lenovo as the problems appear to be getting worse, they may ask you to work with them on troubleshooting the notebook issues which is the best course of action as it will prevent you inadvertently voiding your warranty.



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    Mechanised Mod

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Have you contacted Lenovo about this xFIJI.

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Not yet. Buried by schoolwork, work, and moving. Will update by the end of the month when I finally move and hit up Lenovo.

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    Mechanised Mod

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Thanks for the update xFIJI and good luck with both Lenovo and school  :thumbsup:

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In the meantime, you can try running the Lenovo Bootable Diagnostics. This will test the memory and drive, but won't make any changes to your system. Then, whenever you get a chance to contact Lenovo, they'll probably want you to run this first anyways, so you'll have a leg up.

Lenovo Bootable Diagnostics


You'll need to download it and create a bootable image out of it.


And as previously said, good luck with school! (and the laptop)

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