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What can the NSA find out about your device?

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Let's say (hypothetically) that you were to buy a used computer from someone and then use it to surf the internet or google things - not logging into any accounts, no gmail, no facebook, no bank accounts, not giving any information out about yourself. What could the NSA find out? The computer is registered to someone else. Could they find out who it's registered to? If you travel, could they still track the device in any way even though you don't log in to anything?

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My friend, at this point all we can do are guess work, hypothesis, and conspiracy theory. End of the day, we will part ways without a correct answer.

Edit: Moved this topic to Off-topic so others can chip in.

Edited by Valinorum, 23 July 2015 - 04:37 AM.

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I think it would depend on how you access the internet.


If you use nothing but free Wifi then it would be harder.


But cookies stored will give them some form of tracking.


If you use mobile internet then the number you use if they so wished could be traced back to you mobile phone if you use both at the same time.


Use Tor would protect you from the sites you visit.


But if they want you at that time then it is to late.



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Infoemation and messege









huawei mate 7 folie

Edited by Ansasafi, 05 August 2015 - 09:47 PM.

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They probably could if motivated enough find out all about you even if you give no info even I can think of many ways this could be done and I'm a real life village idiot.

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simple answer is anything and everything they wanted to know.



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