Windows update KB 300850 has faiiled when i try to update
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Windows update KB 300850 has faiiled when i try to update
Hello Jiten.10
I request you to answer the following question.
When do receive this error message?
Do you have any third party antivirus program installed on your computer?
Are you able to install other windows updates?
I suggest you to follow the below mentioned methods and check if resolves the issue.
Method 1
Follow the steps provided in the below mentioned article
Fix Microsoft Windows Update Issues
Method 2
Clean boot: To help troubleshoot error messages and other issues, you can start Windows by using a minimal set of drivers and startup programs. This kind of startup is known as a "clean boot." A clean boot helps eliminate software conflicts.
You may refer to the below mentioned link to perform clean boot in windows.
How to perform a clean boot in Windows
Note: After troubleshooting, refer to this section "How to reset the computer to start normally after clean boot troubleshooting".
So many windows 10 update error i have seen in forum
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