My cd/dvd rom does not show or prompt when I insert a cd or dvd. It shows up as disabled in the Bios but it is showing as enabled in the device manager.
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My cd/dvd rom does not show or prompt when I insert a cd or dvd. It shows up as disabled in the Bios but it is showing as enabled in the device manager.
Did you try enabling it in BIOS then?
Yes. I am unable to change that status in the BIOS. It is supposed allow you to make changes with the -/+ keys but no such luck! Nothing happens!!
Yes! I tried that. It does not allow me to change the option to enable? The explanation key in the right lower screen of the Boot tab in BIOS states you use the -/+ keyes to make changes but nothing happens?Help Me!!!
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Thanks, sari
Make sure your keyboard is working. Then go to booting order and see whether your CD-ROM is there if so then highlight your 2nd booting device and press +/- key it changes the order see carefully.
Can you take a picture of the BIOS info for drives and post it here please?
Did the optical drive ever work in this computer?
Did you replace it or disconnect it?
Is it SATA or PATA (IDE). If PATA, is it jumpered correctly. Optical drives are usually jumpered for Cable Select (CS) but sometimes they need to be jumpered fro Master or Slave, depending on which connector that are plugged on. If the very end one then Master, otherwise Slave.
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