I can view an app (say Geeks-to-Go) and sign in and use it but I haven't yet figured out how to pin the site to my Start screen.
I find the MS Help to be useless. Can someone here please tell me how I do that? Thanks. ....batpark
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I can view an app (say Geeks-to-Go) and sign in and use it but I haven't yet figured out how to pin the site to my Start screen.
I find the MS Help to be useless. Can someone here please tell me how I do that? Thanks. ....batpark
Hello batpark,
which one you try from MS website? So that we offer some other advice!
Did you try this?
batpark, are you talking about a web site to the Start Menu, not an actual Windows App?
I think I have found (stumbled on) the answers to all my W8.1 questions. All of a sudden things started to clarify. W8.1 doesn't look so bad right now. Almost as good as XP. Thank you all for your patience. ... batpark
I think I have found (stumbled on) the answers to all my W8.1 questions. All of a sudden things started to clarify. W8.1 doesn't look so bad right now. Almost as good as XP. Thank you all for your patience. ... batpark
Thanks for letting us know!
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