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acer netbook stopped working

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hi all,

i have a 2year old acer netbook with windows 8.

it was working last night but when i tried to start it this morning....nothing.

the only thing showing was the blue mains light.


the only clue i can give is that the cursor freezes intermittently.


i would be grateful for any advice offered



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    Mechanised Mod

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Hello bjr1000,


Can you tell us the model name or number of the Acer netbook.


the only clue i can give is that the cursor freezes intermittently.



When was this happening as in previous to this or is it happening now.

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sorry for delay in replying.

it is an '' acer aspire '' and it just stopped working.

i used it the day before with intermittent cursor freezing [ which had been happening for a while ]



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