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Boot device not found

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Hy im using Acer Aspire V3-471 laptop with windows 10 installed. today i got an issue, when i try to boot my device it says "boot device not found. please insert boot device and press any key" i inserted windows bootable cd, it booted up with cd, when i reached on the step where i can select drive to install window, it says no drive available. thats why i am unable to install windows on my hard drive.
plz help me, im waiting for response.
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    Mechanised Mod

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:welcome:   sagarian,


Has the computer been dropped or banged previous to this happening.


Does the HDD activity LED blink at all.


Have you changed the boot sequence in the BIOS.


Is the HDD detected in the BIOS, a Seagate HDD will begin with the letters ST and a Western Digital HDD will begin with WD, other brands vary and please note that any mention of a HDD in the BOOT sequence that is not labelled with such letters is only the boot order and not the BIOS detecting the presence of a HDD.


im using Acer Aspire V3-471 laptop with windows 10 installed.



it says no drive available. thats why i am unable to install windows on my hard drive.



The Acer Aspire V3-471 shipped with Windows 7 or 8, had you previously updated to Windows 10.


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