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Recovering a file after a factory reset? (Resolved)

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Thanks. Taking out the E: drive worked, but here's the problem: taking out the E: drive means I am working with the hardware of a tablet. There is only one USB port (from which Lucid Puppy is running), and Lucid Puppy does not respond to a touch screen, even in the latest version. I would have to buy a USB splitter to run Lucid Puppy, and then once it has run, insert a mouse and my external hard drive at the same time. Fortunately they are like $5 at Staples; I may or may not have time to do so this weekend, as I am having a busy weekend, but I will report back by Monday at the latest.

If there are any problems running other USB devices with Lucid Puppy that I should know about now, of course please let me know. (If not, no need to reply.)

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Update: So I was able to get a USB splitter but as I suspected, was not able to load Puppy (same issue as when I had the E: drive keyboard docket attached (the USB port is on that drive docket). In conclusion, I was not able to load Puppy because of my unique hardware conditions.


At this point, I have spent enough hours of my life on trying to recover these 11 files. Therefore, I am choosing to move on with my life and spend my time re-writing the information I had lost (I have versions of these that are about a year old that I can use) than further attempting to recover the, for which the chance of doing so is slim. 


I hope this thread was instructive to anyone looking to use Puppy with a USB. The moral of the story should be: make sure you have the right hardware set-up. 

Thank you, everyone, for all of your help and time. It has been greatly appreciated.

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    Mechanised Mod

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Thanks for the follow up RiverWillow  :thumbsup:


Sorry to hear that you have not been able to recover the data  :( it will be a pain in the proverbial for you losing the data but fwiw I suspect that it had already been deleted when the system restore was carried out.


I hope this thread was instructive to anyone looking to use Puppy with a USB. 



It most certainly has for me where the computer concerned is a two in one device.


The moral of the story should be: make sure you have the right hardware set-up. 



Aye + always have at least one back up of your most important data, two would be best and keep in mind that Cloud storage services are widely available .


You are most welcome btw  :)

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