I updated both my desktop and laptop to Windows 10 and have had nothing but problems ever since, too numerous to list. Don't even know where to start. I will be going back to 8.1 for sure. I just hope all the apps I have installed over the last couple weeks since the upgrade won't have to be reinstalled. There were a few things I liked about 10 but more that I disliked. This OS needs some major work. Maybe Win 11...?

Going back to 8.1
Posted 12 December 2015 - 01:37 AM

Posted 12 December 2015 - 03:34 AM

Hi brett777,
Sorry to hear of the issues you have been experiencing with switching the operating system on your desktop and laptop computers.
Unfortunately problems with this are not unknown, however a lot of switches do work OK ( but I guess this is no consolation to you!)
If you use the standard procedure to revert back (remember this has to be undertaken within a month) there should, I repeat, should be no loss of data... however as always it's wise to check and then double check that your back ups include everything you need, and you have created or have access to all the installation material discs, usb memory sticks etc, and have good, verified disc images kept safe just in case...
Whilst doing this work I would recommend you consider making sure that the laptop has a fully charged battery, and is plugged into the mains supply via the voltage dropper/charger and that the desktop computer is connected via a UPS....( a power outage in the middle of this work would not be good news!) disconnect all unnecessary peripherals, and make sure that trays are empty and no USB or other ports,are populated (other than the minimum necessary for the machine to be usable.)
However it's likely that if applications/programmes were not on the previous operating system then you will have a deal of installations to complete if you wish to use them...
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