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Blue screens with different repeated errors (Resolved)

Best Answer amelia451 , 08 February 2016 - 04:35 AM

I did the Recovery thing and after it was done I decided that I hate windows 8 and there was no way I would waste my time again to set up all the programms I needed from the start, so I i... Go to the full post »

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Hi everyone!
I use a Sony Vaio SVE1713M1E and at some point I started getting this message on windows 8.1 during start up:
iolorgdf32 program not found - skipping AUTOCHECK
I am not sure if that message has to do anything with the following, but soon after that, Blue Screens started to appear and restart the laptop with the following messages:
These Blue Screens always cause an autorestart.
This happens at least once per day, to 3 or 4 times per day! It drives me crazy!
The MEMORY_MANAGEMENT message is the most common one so I did a memory test but no errors were found.
Then, I tried to do a disk check  but it always gets stuck at 15% for hours, so I leave it to it and the next morning I find it on the start sreen (probably after a restart caused by a blue screen, not sure). I have tried to do that at least 20 times, but never succesfully.
I am no pc expert but I have search in the forums and I saw that noone else has this problem with the multiple different errors causing the blue screens. 
Any ideas?
I have uploaded the DMP files here: https://www.dropbox....DZv0WQMlca?dl=0
Thank you in advance!

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    Mechanised Mod

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:welcome:   amelia451,


iolorgdf32 which is a Sony monitoring software looks to be the cause of your troubles but we need to look further to prove it. 


Be more than happy to take a look at your crashdumps but can you upload them to the forum here using the method below;


1. Copy any dmp files from C:\Windows\Minidump onto the desktop.
2. Select all of them, right-click on one, and click on Send To> New Compressed (zipped) Folder.
3. Upload the zip folder using the Attach button, bottom left of the dialogue input box 

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Here you go!

Attached Files

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Looked at your last ten dumps and found various services identified, PROCESS_NAME:  svchost.exe was named a few times which doesnt help much as svchost could mean many things, Avast was identified in your last dump dated Dec 31 2015, Sony updating softare in another, Chrome in one and finally dump #10 which was dated Dec 10 2015 TiWorker.exe which is Windows updates service, internet connection/software updating are a common denominator on the face of it and Avast being a security software could be the cause of all of the above.


First thing that I suggest is you uninstall Avast following the steps here and use Windows Defender (see below) see if this helps and then post back with an update.


Are you aware that Windows 8, 8.1 and 10 have an updated version of Windows Defender that offers the same real time protection as Microsoft Security Essentials, you do not need third party AV protection and by not installing any you are reducing the possibility of potential conflicts and freeing up resources on your computer, information courtesy of admin here


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I forgot to mention that for the past 2 years I've been using AVG antivirus and when the blue screens started I read somewhere that it could be because of the AVG, so I unistalled it to replace it with Avast, but the blue screens continued to happen.


So you think that ANY third party antivirus could be causing that to my computer??

Do you suggest that I should uninstall it and leave it like that, relying only on the Windows defender?

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So you think that ANY third party antivirus could be causing that to my computer??



It is possible but not that common and when it does happen it tends to be because a previous AV software has not been uninstalled properly or when Windows Defender is enabled, Defender btw would normally be disabled by default when a third party AV software is detected but it can sometimes become enabled somehow.



Do you suggest that I should uninstall it and leave it like that, relying only on the Windows defender?



For now yes, while we troubleshoot.


As mentioned, your last dump on the list was dated Dec 31 2015, was that the last crash that you have had.


Download then run Speccy (free) and post the resultant url for us, details here,  this will provide us with information about your computer hardware + any software that you have installed that may explain the present issue/s. 

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I'd wish the last crash to have been on Dec 31 2015!!

If you look tha the file names of the dmp files, they provide the date of the crash but in a MMDDYY-randomnumbersmaybe-01 format.

For example  010916-34312-01.dmp was created on the 9th of January 2016


So if you want to check the last 10, look for those with a 6 before the first dash.

Edited by amelia451, 14 January 2016 - 08:30 AM.

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    Mechanised Mod

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Not much change in the causes only the dates changing + one other cause for concern which is the NTFS that is mentioned in your OP, last crash dump available Jan 11 2016 btw.


Suggestions still the same with uninstalling Avast and posting a Speccy url for us.

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Not heard back from you amelia451, do you still require assistance or is the issue now resolved, an update would be appreciated.

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thank you very much! Sorry for my delayed reply but it took me some time to try some solutions.

Here is the Speccy url: http://speccy.pirifo...ETtvHV42Mx3j6IT


I also tried the driver verifier and it crashes immediately. After that, I must enter into safe mode to reset it. The strange thing is that I could not find anything like DRIVER_VERIFIED_DETECTED_VIOLATION (xxxxx.sys)  in the dump files.


I also tried to run the verifier with only some of the drivers selected, in order to track down the one that causes the problem, but I am getting the strange behaviour that if I select let's say a set of drivers A or a set of drivers B it does not crash, whereas if I select all the drivers in A union B it crashes. Could it be some combination that causes the problem?


The following are two minidumps that were created after a crash using the verifier






Any ideas?

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It says it's caused by ntoskrnl.exe which is the Windows Kernel. Something must have happened and the second .dmp file says the same. Have you overclocked or updated any drivers?  

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Points of note from your Speccy report, each one is relevant but NOs 2, 3 and 4 are the most likely cause of your present issues; 


1: You have no AV protection;


Windows Defender
Windows Defender: 


Enable Defender asap.


2: You have McAfee Anti-Malware Core on your computer, were you aware of this, either way please uninstall it, see below;


To remove McAfee software completely from your PC, first use Window's built-in system to uninstall any McAfee software that may be listed. 

Next, download the McAfee Removal Tool (MCPR.exe) from the McAfee site: http://download.mcaf...atches/MCPR.exe Click Run > Run -


3: Windows is seriously out of date and is putting you at risk of malware attack, two most likely causes of the updates failing to install is the presence of the McAfee software and the lack of free storage space explained in #4 below.


4: You are critically low on free storage space on the C: partition where Windows is** this is the prime candidate as the cause of the crashes (the NTFS that is mentioned in your OP points even more to this) see my canned explanation below;


Please note that in order to avoid data corruption and/or mechanical HDD failure for you must always have a minimum of 20 to 25% of the HDDs or partitions overall storage capacity available as free space where Windows is installed and between 10 and 15% of a HDDs overall storage capacity available as free space if there is data only on it, the free space allows for information to be copied to and from the drive efficiently particularily important for Windows file swapping and the installation of OS and AV updates.

Not having the above can render a computer inoperable if the HDD concerned has the OS on it due to the MBR (Master Boot Record) becoming damaged/corrupt, please see information here and here





Partition 3
Partition ID: 
Disk #0, Partition #3
Disk Letter: 
File System: 
Volume Serial Number: 
661 GB
Used Space: 
598 GB (90%)
Free Space: 
63 GB (10%)



Partition 5
Partition ID: 
Disk #0, Partition #5
File System: 
Volume Serial Number: 
34,4 GB
Used Space: 
31,6 GB (91%)
Free Space: 
2,79 GB (9%)



Back up all important data on the HDD and delete any unused software, music and pictures etc else you risk the HDD failing with the loss of all data on it.

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That is way below %15 


Around 15-20 percent of the Hard Drives space would be ok, but now it's reaching its capacity limit.

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Wow! Ok, I enabled the defender, I feel so stupid that I hadn't checked that when I uninstalled avast AV but luckilly that was just a few days ago. :oops:


I run a full scan with the defender that took about 15 hours to complete (I consider it a good sign that the laptop stayed on and no BSOD came up to interrupt it) and the only error I got was this one  which I removed: http://i.imgur.com/7mxHVIn.png 


I cleaned up the HDD a little and now I have almost 25% free space.

Also,  I uninstaled the Mcaffe completely.



So, new speccy url after the updates: http://speccy.pirifo...r6kBHK3P5ypX0Jj


Let me know if you see anything important there.


I will wait 1-2 days to see if BSOD occur again and I'll get back to you!  :geek:


Thank you both!!!

Edited by amelia451, 04 February 2016 - 07:19 AM.

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    Mechanised Mod

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Thanks for the update and additional information amelia451  :thumbsup:


Defender running is good.


25% free storage space on the C: partition is good but be sure to not let it get much lower than that.


Partition 5 is still at 9% and needs to be 10 to 15% to avoid data corruption.


Speccy shows that McAfee is still present on your computer, did you run the MCPR tool that was suggested,

McAfee Anti-Malware Core
McAfee Security Scan Component Host Service
McAfee Security Scan Component Host Service for Sony


You now have AVG Firewall running, this was not and is not recommended, did you install it, if yes, can I ask why as all that you risk doing by not following suggested steps is potentially making things worse.


Windows is still massively out of date and putting you at risk of malware attack, get rid of AVG Firewall and fully update Windows asap.


You are welcome btw  :)

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