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windows update won't install (Resolved).

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Best Answer phillpower2 , 21 March 2016 - 08:52 AM

-in the link page you provided, it states that Secure Boot should be temporarily disabled.  This was not mentioned or emphasized in the instructional video. So, does that apply to me and is it... Go to the full post »

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    Mechanised Mod

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Once your data has been backed up try a refresh but not a reset.


No password is required unless you apply one.


There’s also a warning but I think this does not apply to me.



If not connected to the password info above let us know what the warning says.


You are welcome  :)

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sorry that it took a few days to reply....I finally finished backing up my important files and then I couldn't find my usb flash drive.  luckily I found it and waiting for my cousin to come help me do the task.  about the system refresh, my system has only a "reset this pc" button in settings\recovery.  is this the system refresh, too?  on reply #62, "freebooter" posted a .bat file that may help me.  should I try it?  I'm not questioning "freebooter" but only making sure that this fix applies to my problem...


thank you

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    Mechanised Mod

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The suggestion by FreeBooter is sound but try the Refresh suggestion first please, you should get this option after first selecting Reset this PC, make sure that you have your USB recovery device to hand, you need to follow Option Two here

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    Mechanised Mod

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No harm doing so and I will be more than pleased if it resolves the issue.


Edit to add.


My reply #64 was not post in conflict with the suggestion of FreeBooter in reply #62 btw, just happened that I replied first and not familiar with the batch script details  ;)

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Ok, I tried the “windows update components” twice and it did not solve my problem.  I then proceeded it with the “refresh” windows.  After clicking “reset this pc” and “keep all my files” a pop up window appeared stating that there was a problem resetting this pc and no changes were made.  Was there something else I was supposed to do?  should I try using option one?

Thank You

Edited by rigs, 09 April 2016 - 05:37 PM.

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    Mechanised Mod

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If neither suggestion worked then option 1 may not either, it is worth trying though.


You are welcome  :)

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Ok, I tried “refreshing” windows using option one and it worked. I followed the instructions and had no problems. However, the system did not ask me to insert my usb flash drive. So far so good, and this morning I checked for updates and found and installed successfully the latest cumulative update KB3147458. Should I install manually all the earlier cumulative updates that were missed? Now, I have to re-install all the apps that were removed.


Thanks to you, "firebooter" and the rest of the GtG members that at one point tried to help me.

Edited by rigs, 13 April 2016 - 04:28 PM.

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