Glad to hear that all is now well and thank you the follow up redsox1 we appreciate it 
Proof if it were needed that computers can be fickle 
Try plugging a table lamp or something similar into the wall socket that you had the notebooks AC adapter plugged into, any erratic behavior and an electrician or suitably competent person needs to check the said wall socket.
NB: I am awfully relieved that I managed to catch you before you purchased a new battery and charger and even more so that you were taken care of by a reputable merchant at the store, some less scrupulous people will always try and sell you something that you do not need or say that further investigation is needed which comes at a price and all that they do is the exact same as what the good lady did.
You are most welcome btw 
Hope you don`t mind but I took the liberty of selecting your reply #71 as the best answer, this will help others find the solution to your issue a lot quicker when they are looking for help with the same or a similar type of computer problem.