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It's BACK! (Resolved)

Best Answer redsox1 , 11 February 2016 - 03:28 PM

They called.... hard drive. Go to the full post »

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    Mechanised Mod

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As said there is not much that we can do until you have a fully charged battery in place and are able to remove the AC adapter, it is the only way we can try to eliminate the battery (including if it is actually charging up) as the cause or an actual power problem in general.


You say the battery was purchased 8/9 months ago on ebay, is it a proper HP branded product or a generic imported replacement, the latter when they are Chinese imports are renown for causing problems.

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Replacement. Prolly chink
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    Mechanised Mod

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Acknowledged, all we need now is for you to be able to get the computer to boot up and let us know what % of charge the battery is showing.

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Last night it showed full. I don't know how to see %. Trying to boot now
No luck so far.
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    Mechanised Mod

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Try removing the battery, AC adapter and the Ram then pressing the power on button for 20 seconds, replace the Ram, battery and adapter and see if it powers up.


To see what % of charge is in the battery, hover the cursor over the battery icon on the task bar, only if the computer will actually boot up that is.

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On my way to get new battery and charger
Worth a try I need to pay bills so I need this thing bad.
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That should be fine, otherwise not paying bills will make you panic.

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    Mechanised Mod

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On my way to get new battery and charger
Worth a try I need to pay bills so I need this thing bad.


If not done yet, I would take the notebook with you and have the store try any new battery and charger with the notebook first, there is no conclusive proof that either the charger or battery are bad and the problem could be motherboard or electrical circuit related, that was why we needed to find out if the present battery actually had any charge in it.

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Not done yet. Will do
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    Mechanised Mod

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Phew, glad to hear that  :thumbsup:

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I took it to the computer shop. The woman plugged my charger onto my computer and it started right up. She shut it down and started it a few times. I came home and plugged it in a different outlet, and here I am. 98% and charging. I want to thank you from the bottom of all I am for your trouble. THANK YOU JESUS!!!

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I took it to the computer shop. The woman plugged my charger onto my computer and it started right up. She shut it down and started it a few times. I came home and plugged it in a different outlet, and here I am. 98% and charging. I want to thank you from the bottom of all I am for your trouble. THANK YOU JESUS!!!



No problems :)

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    Mechanised Mod

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Glad to hear that all is now well and thank you the follow up redsox1 we appreciate it  :thumbsup:


Proof if it were needed that computers can be fickle  :yes:


Try plugging a table lamp or something similar into the wall socket that you had the notebooks AC adapter plugged into, any erratic behavior and an electrician or suitably competent person needs to check the said wall socket.


NB:  I am awfully relieved that I managed to catch you before you purchased a new battery and charger and even more so that you were taken care of by a reputable merchant at the store, some less scrupulous people will always try and sell you something that you do not need or say that further investigation is needed which comes at a price and all that they do is the exact same as what the good lady did.


You are most welcome btw  :)


Hope you don`t mind but I took the liberty of selecting your reply #71 as the best answer, this will help others find the solution to your issue a lot quicker when they are looking for help with the same or a similar type of computer problem.

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EDIT by paws: Link to original topic below



Ran good for a few days, now it's up to old tricks. Been running BIO s update. Keeps doing it over an d over.. On wifes phone.

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Hey redsox my buddy I seen your other topic which paws moved to this thread.




Ran good for a few days, now it's up to old tricks. Been running BIO s update. Keeps doing it over an d over.. On wifes phone.



So now we're back to square one. 

Edited by EmishOrc, 10 February 2016 - 04:42 AM.

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