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Searching for a doc containing a target word in W10 (solved)

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Best Answer batpark , 19 March 2016 - 09:50 AM

Please ignore my previous question. I found the answer just after I posted. << I can locate the folder and file containing the target  string using the search bar in File Explorer... Go to the full post »

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I want to be able to find a text  document on my W10 desktop that contains a specific string, as I was able to do with XP. How do I do that with Windows 10? Is there an app I need to/should use? Thanks (and please excuse me if I have asked this before and have forgotten the answer.)  ..batpark

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✓  Best Answer

Please ignore my previous question. I found the answer just after I posted. << I can locate the folder and file containing the target  string using the search bar in File Explorer.>> ...batpark

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