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Typing problem

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 Never having learned to touchtype, I peck away with two fingers with my eyes trained on the keyboard rather than the screen. Too often I find that I have inadvertently turned on the Caps Lock key and that I have to retype large blocks of text.


Is there a way I can cause my desktop pc (with W10) to sound a continuous sound when the Caps Lock key is ON?


Is there a simple command I can use to convert a block of ALL CAPS text to normal text?


Other ideas?


Thanks. ... batpark

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If you got this page it will give you instructions to enable "Toggle Keys", which will play a sound whenever you press the Caps/Num Lock keys. It's not continuous, but I'll keep looking for a solution that will do that.

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https://addons.mozil...nger/developers for FireFox

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azarl: Thanks. Sounds as if that is just what I want.

But I ran into a problem when I tried to d/l it. Got error message "Firefox could not install the file at http://.......... because Signing could not be verified. -260"

Can you please explain that? ....batpark
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