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good subscription platform?

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I would really appreciate it if you could advise me which software programs will best suit. I am looking for a subscription program that will give subscriber access to forums, articles, videos of interviews and audio recording. 

there will be some videos that will be available for sale too.

Also what video programs will you advise that I use for my videos? 

what about audio recording program?

 I am looking for user friendly programs as I am no wiz in computer programs.

Thanks so much for your help

Edited by gbgc, 11 April 2016 - 02:24 AM.

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You could look at the software we use to power this forum: https://invisionpower.com/buy


With the cloud version they do all the install and upgrade work. But there would still be a lot of work setting up the forums, articles, and ecommerce. 

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