Hello againPhill,
Okay, done that.
When I try the clean boot thing, there are 2 things that wont close: Abobe Acrobat Update Services and synTPEnh Caller Service
How do I get them to close?
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Best Answer Channeal , 28 September 2016 - 09:06 AM
Hello Phill, Phew! I am exhausted!!!! Some good news, some bad........ Dban completed okay. I eventually managed to sort out my ISO-to-flashdrive problems and got the Windows 10 dow... Go to the full post »
Hello againPhill,
Okay, done that.
When I try the clean boot thing, there are 2 things that wont close: Abobe Acrobat Update Services and synTPEnh Caller Service
How do I get them to close?
It's okay.... I restarted and they are stopped now!
Hi Chris,
Glad to hear that the AIO tool worked and yes it is a really good tool
Any repair logs should be found in C:\ Program Files\Tweaking.com\Windows Repair (All in One)\Logs if you want us to take a look upload the info for us please.
I'd buy you a pint in the pub if you lived nearer!
No worries, I`m quite happy just being able to help
Edited by Channeal, 24 October 2016 - 12:24 AM.
Hello Chris,
I clicked on something by mistake (I think when downloading Crystal Disk Info). I realised straight away what I had done and got rid of it straight away and ran all the scans I could think of. There was a virus the name of which I can't remember which seemed to have only affected some strange antivirus program. I.had absolutely no idea where the antivirus program had come from, but I deleted that and all seemed to be well until the Microsoft Edge problem appeared.
That does appear to be a lot of fixes for a recent clean install and in view of what you have said above I would suggest that you check further for any malware infection, please see GTG malware redirection info below;
I suspect that you have some malware on your computer causing issues that we are not able to solve through means we can use here in the Tech Forums. I suggest you read the 'Start Here' topic found here. With these self-help tools you have a high chance of fixing the problems on your own. If you are still having problems after following Step 3 of the guide, continue with Step 4 and 5 and post in the Malware Forum. If you are unable to run any programs, Please create a topic stating what you have tried so far and that you are unable to run any programs. Also, Please do NOT post the logs in this thread.
If you are still having issues after the malware expert gives you a clean bill of health, Please return to THIS thread and we will pursue other options to help you solve your current problem(s).
Thanks Phill, I suspected that you would say that!
Please can you clear something up for me before I post in the Malware Forum?
I downloaded Farbar, but was told that the 32-bit version was the wrong one for my notebook. Looking at the System data, it says that I have a 32-bit OS, but a x64-based processor. If you go back to Message 4 on this thread, the 32/64 bit thing was discussed but I think I most probably misunderstood everything (something I often seem to be exceedingly adept at doing!). Please could you give me a quick explanation. I checked with an old Speccy report and the previous OS was definitely 32-bit too.
I seem to be very good at causing problems for myself just lately - but hey, I guess it all makes life a little bit more interesting!
No problem Chris
A 32-bit OS should use the 32-bit version and only the version that is compatible with your OS should run, any further problems with it you would be best to ask one of the malware removal team to advise you, this is their domain not a techys.
Edited by Channeal, 25 October 2016 - 02:43 AM.
Good morning Chris,
Glad you sorted out the Farbar download, will be looking out to see if you post on the malware removal forums.
Please do not be too hard on yourself, to err is to be human I`m afraid
The good news is that you can do a clean install of Windows 10 anytime on the Sony, how it works, once you installed Windows 10 and went through the registration procedure with Microsoft your MB and product key details were stored on the MS database, you should not be required to enter the product key if you do a clean install, I would though always recommend that folk keep a written record of their product key for any unforeseen circumstances, I can`t think of any atm though.
Edit: Just noticed and now following your malware thread.
Hello Phill,
The good news is that you can do a clean install of Windows 10 anytime on the Sony, how it works, once you installed Windows 10 and went through the registration procedure with Microsoft your MB and product key details were stored on the MS database, you should not be required to enter the product key if you do a clean install, I would though always recommend that folk keep a written record of their product key for any unforeseen circumstances, I can`t think of any atm though
That is good news! I am definitely leaning towards starting all over again at the moment. I can get over making a mistake (I have certainly made many in my lifetime, so should be used to it by now!), but the thought of my nice new OS being damaged does upset me and I do not want to always have at the back of my mind the thought that there might still be some errors on there. Since perusing the Farbar scans myself - albeit with my very inexpert eye - it does seem that there are still problems.
Because I do not want somebody in the Malware forum to spend time preparing fixes only for me to tell them that I am going to start again, I have added an edit to my post telling them what I am thinking of doing and asking them to just have a quick look and give me their thoughts on the matter. I do not know if anybody there will be prepared to do that. I don't want to waste anybody's time....
Please do not be too hard on yourself, to err is to be human I`m afraid
Very true: we are indeed all mere mortals!
Was in a café this lunch time where they played the Killers' song 'Human'. Not sure if you know the song, but it contains the somewhat strange lyrics: 'Are we human or are we dancer?'. Have found myself singing the song to myself ever since hearing it today - but am thinking that since I was never a particularly good dancer, I will unfortunately have to put up with just being human!
Thanks again,
Hi Chris,
The malware staff are most obliging, I am sure that you will be looked after by them and that they will appreciate the info in your edited post.
I like the Killers but am both a lousy singer and dancer
Hello Phill,
So..... in the absence of any reply from the Malware forum it seems that I am just going to have to start again and reinstall Windows 10.
If at first you don't succeed, try, try again and all that jazz!
Would you recommend that I wipe the drive with Dban again, or isn't it necessary?
Good morning Chris,
This in no way intended as malware removal guidance only a smattering of enlightenment
Some malware is so deep rooted that not even a full format of the HDD will eradicate it, if you are set on doing a clean install using DBan to wipe the drive will cost you nothing but your time but may gain you some peace of mind in that you have done as much as you can to ensure that you are starting afresh.
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