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Impact Earth!

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    Anti-Malware Mammoth

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Intriguing armageddon type simulation...
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    Miss Congeniality

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Ooo. Well. That gave me the shivers. I know that it was for funnsies but I have never been one to play games of death and destruction.. There's just too many things in life I haven't accomplished just yet. If it happens, it happens and I hope it happens quickly.

It's the end of the world as we know it! (and I feel fine...)

Reminded me of a show I watched on the Sci channel the other day. I had no idea there was a crater found in the Wilkes Land region of East Antarctica back in 2006 that scientists believe might have paved the way for the dinosaurs. Really interesting...

You might find this interesting, Dakeyras. Thought of you when I came across this info a few months ago.
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    Anti-Malware Mammoth

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You might want to consider a Anderson Shelter then lass, just my daft sense of humour... ;) :lol: Thanks for the link. :)
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    Miss Congeniality

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Have you ever seen the movie Testament? I did, just once. Refused to watch it a second time. The pain and suffering of those who survived has been embedded in my memory ever since. The lucky ones were those who did not live to experience the fall out/after effects.
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    Anti-Malware Mammoth

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Not seen that film lass but did find it on netflix and may view sometime over the weekend if time. Though on a different note my lad was present when I was searching for it and pronounced the film is ancient just like you dad! Kids eh :rolleyes: :lol:
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    Miss Congeniality

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Not seen that film lass but did find it on netflix and may view sometime over the weekend if time. Though on a different note my lad was present when I was searching for it and pronounced the film is ancient just like you dad! Kids eh :rolleyes: :lol:

:rofl: Out of the mouths of babes! :hug:

It's up to you if you want him to watch it, but I wouldn't allow mine. I would tell you why, but I don't want to be the spoiler..
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:spoton:  :spoton:  :spoton:

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