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Update to W10, fix missing files

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Shane Busby69

Shane Busby69

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If I do an update to windows 10 then a clean install will it write the needed files so I don't have to use installation media to restore or recover?
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    Mechanised Mod

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:welcome:   Shane Busby69,


Your thread has been moved here as it is a more appropriate forum  :thumbsup:


If I do an update to windows 10 then a clean install 



Not sure what exactly you mean by the above so the following may not be what you are asking.


If you upgrade Windows 7, 8/8.1 to Windows 10 you have a 30 day period where you can roll back to the previous version of Windows should you decide that you do not like Windows 10.


Once Windows 10 has been installed you can create your own back disk or USB device that could be used for any fresh installation.


If you qualify for the free upgrade to Windows 10 you can download an ISO for free from Microsoft.


If you have a recovery partition on your hard drive that will retain the original OS unless you format/overwrite it,  some information on this here


Hope one of the above answers your question.

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Shane Busby69

Shane Busby69

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To clarify, my windows 8.1 system was missing some files it needed to restore or reset, I had to create an installation disk to fill in the gaps if I wanted to use either feature. I'm hoping that the upgrade to Windows 10 will 're-write' these files. Actually, I'm hoping that doing the upgrade then a clean install will fix a lot of little buggy things when combined with the clean slate and windows default settings. Then I can download the minimum amount of programs and hopefully get better performance.
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    Mechanised Mod

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Thanks for clarifying  :thumbsup:


Windows 10 will fail to install if there is anything missing that it needs to complete the upgrade.



I had to create an installation disk to fill in the gaps if I wanted to use either feature. I'm hoping that the upgrade to Windows 10 will 're-write' these files. 



Are you saying that the Windows 8.1 media that you created failed to repair the damage, if yes, we may be able to help with this first.

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    Mechanised Mod

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Not heard back from you Shane Busby69, do you still require assistance or is the issue now resolved, an update would be appreciated.

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