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Hidden Sender Message(s)

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Apologies if this is the wrong forum, I was on the fence to post here or under mobile phones.  Anyway, please see the attached... the "Hidden sender address" message you see will NOT go away.  I clear it, I clear the phone cache, and it just comes back...again and again (like that cat for my fellow Canuks).  I checked with my provider (Virgin Mobile Canada) and they indicated it was most likely a phone issue as there were no messages on their system.  So here I am...  Any thoughts..?


I am using the stock messages application.





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Found this on another forum:  https://www.reddit.c...er_address_mms/ Might be worth a try tho one other poster said it didn't work for him.



UPDATE: Think I fixed it, and it was totally by accident. I wanted to try Hangouts as my SMS app. So, when I enabled Hangouts as default SMS, it auto imported all my SMS/MMS. And when it did, there was a mystery MMS to an unknown sender bolded (i.e. "unread"). I was then able to delete these messages and the message went away!

Those unknown MMS message were not visable to the the stock Messaging app and I have no idea how they got there, but now it seem that they've gone away.



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Is there any way or any app that can be used to make apps like Hangouts appear to be disabled when they're actually in use?
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