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Nothing on computer, yet there is no free space.

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Jade Richardson

Jade Richardson

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Today, I realized that I hadn't backed up my iPhone since I got a new laptop. So I downloaded iTunes and when I went to back it up, it said that there was not enough free space on my computer. I got the bright (horrible) idea to move all of my files and pictures from my computer to a USB drive. Even after everything was off of my computer, it still said there wasn't any space, so I decided I was just going to put my pictures from my phone onto the USB instead of backing it up, because pictures is the only thing I care about. When I went to put everything back on my computer, pretty much nothing would copy over because my computer was saying there was no space left. When I looked at the properties on my C: Drive, it says there is no free space.

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It's possible your storage may be taken up by shadow copies. Let's try and clean them up:

  • Press the Windows key + R to open a Run dialog box.
  • Enter "cleanmgr" and press OK.
  • On the dialog that appears, select your system's drive and press OK.
  • On the dialog that appears, press Clean up system files.
  • Select your system's drive and press OK.
  • Click the tab labeled More Options.
  • Under "System Restore and Shadow Copies" press Clean up... and then Delete.
  • Finally OK and then Delete files.

After this is done check to see the storage space on your system drive.

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