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error 8007002c-4000d

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I'm about ready to give up. I have tried absolutely everything that has been suggested on the Microsoft forums " , many of which are just copy and pasted guesses i think . I am computer literate and have already installed Windows 10 upgrade on 2 machines which went smoothly, however i left my machine til the last week, because i wanted to make sure all the bugs were out on Win 10 upgrade first. A silly mistake on my behalf, to leave it so long, and to think all the bugs were out of it now . Because me, and many other people it seems get the error 8007002c-4000d  at approx 93%  , no matter what I do . I have done clean boots, Removed Antivirus , Made sure i had backups and rescue disk , cleaned out the software distribution download folder after each attempt, Turned off everything in Startup. Unplugged all extra drives, sd card readers etc, unplugged the internet after reaching 100% of the download. I have even tried the downloading to a USB and running the install (with admin priv) from the USB drive, making sure that the USB wasn't the "boot drive" . I have tried all 3 options from the USB drive , including fresh install (glad i had recovery and backup) ALL of the above got to 93% installed and then "reboot" Restoring previous version of windows. ANyone with a last minute smart idea  ?? or should i just resign to the fact that me (and everyone else with said error) will never own WIn 10 ?  My windows 7 Home Premium is legit and i have the product key.


Please Help. I really want this to upgrade if possible.

Attached Thumbnails

  • Windows-10-Upgrade-Error.png

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Hi :welcome:


Do you have the Windows 7 Home working? If you do I would like to know more about your machine...


  • download Speccy Portable save the file to some place
  • extract the Zip file spsetupxxx.zip to an empty folder
  • run Speccy/Speccy64 according to the Operating System you have

To publish a Speccy profile to the Web:

  • In Speccy, click File, and then click Publish Snapshot.
  • In the Publish Snapshot dialog box, click Yes to enable Speccy to proceed.
  • Speccy publishes the profile and displays a second Publish Snapshot. You can open the URL in your default browser, copy it to the clipboard, or close the dialog box

Please post the resulting URL.


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