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Pokemon Go

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Pokemon Go is a game that is designed for going out and exploring to capture new Pokemon. Although you may find a couple of Pokemon indoors there won't be many different types. The whole point is to leave the house and wander around your local area (and more) to catch different types of these creatures, find 'Pokestops' and take over gyms. 

Do you play pokemon go outdoors?

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Oh how I like that mainstream stuff 

first It was football, even my boyfriend started to koding site for football http://sport-7.net/. matches 

no everyone walking around looking for pockemon, and discuss olympic games

that's nice 

Edited by Jasy_J, 07 August 2016 - 08:05 AM.

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I really am not sure what to feel about this. On the one hand, it's nice that it's a game that finally gets people out of the house - but then again so does a soccer match with friends and it's a lot more socially interactive. Some times I just accept the fact that I am older and out of touch, so these things don't make sense to me. But there were these treasure hunt things going on for a while (at least in Toronto) that made people go out, follow the hints and clues, and look until someone found it. It was a neat concept and I actually felt like a lot of people were interactive with it and working together or against each other. That sort of thing interests me - being old or not - and the treasure was always a little bit of money. Catching imaginary pokemons. Meh. If you enjoy it, then all the power to you. I just don't get it. 

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I think it is great. My wife and I have played a bit. My main issues are:


1) Location tracking is necessary for the type of game (hunt/explore) which, privacy issues aside, drains your battery as well as data

2) There aren't very many PokeMon in my area, and I live in a fairly large city. 

3) A lot of people stop paying attention when playing. I had a group of teenagers walk across a busy street, with construction going on, that were nearly hit. 



It feels a lot like Ingress, as they were both developed by Niantic.

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A lot of people stop paying attention when playing. I had a group of teenagers walk across a busy street, with construction going on, that were nearly hit. 


Ya, but I feel like that is texting and phone use in general. I've had people walk into me so many times because they are walking and texting instead of paying attention. I wouldn't say that this is specifically a Pokemon Go thing. But you're right, it is an element of concern. 

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