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Computer Problems

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I have computer problems.  Imagine that!  Yes, quite so, a lot of times when I click on applications, like google or Avast Antivirus, I get a blue circle going around and around, then it fades away, or sometimes I get nothing.  I make sure everything is plugged in, and sometimes I cut the electricity and start over, and then sometimes I get what want, like going on the internet.  So I decided to go to geekstogo.com.  Frist let me say that I really like geekstogo, they take the time to explain things, not like so many other websites that think you are suppose to know everything.  One popular website that helps you build your own website was too difficult for me, and when I contacted them through the email, they said they don't help people who apply for a free website.  Well, OK, I am now looking for a website builder that will help me, if they exist.   And these websites that say "you'll be up and running in seconds!", man what a joke, when I hear that I know it's going to take forever.  


Well, moving on: on geekstogo I saw "Remove Malware (Free)", so I click on that, and it takes me to "myturbopc.com", I click the scan.  The scan shows System Issues: 149.  Privacy Items: 46.  Junk Files-901 MB detected (whatever that means): 784.  Malware 0.  Software Issues 0.   Well I just paid Avast Antivirus $23.00 to fix my computer and it didn't seem to help at all, so why should I trust myturbopc?  It is very easy to say "yes we'll fix your computer, just pay the bucks, then nothing happens.


If there is anyone out there in internet land that can give me some advice; I am all ears.  Thank you.


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    Mechanised Mod

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Hello glacerstream,


This forum is not for helping with computer issues only for posting "How To Guides" and Tutorials etc.


I have computer problems.  Imagine that!  Yes, quite so, a lot of times when I click on applications, like google or Avast Antivirus, I get a blue circle going around and around, then it fades away, or sometimes I get nothing.  I make sure everything is plugged in, and sometimes I cut the electricity and start over, and then sometimes I get what want, like going on the internet. 



Could be hardware or software related, please tell us what OS you are running so that your thread can be moved to the appropriate forum and we will be happy to assist you there.


Edit: Just noticed that you have already post on the Off Topic Forum regarding building a website, you may have been best posting your question on the Applications forum, if you do not receive a reply to your Off Topic thread ask a Mod to move your OP to the appropriate forum for you, good luck with this venture btw  :thumbsup:

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