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Blue Screen/No Longer able to boot

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Last night, I was just idling at my desktop on my PC, which has Windows 10, and it did a very quick blue screen. From that point on, it would no longer boot. It does not recognize the ssd is there. I took the ssd and put into another pc and it did not recognize either. I was able to successfully clone the drive and still unable to boot from it. Any thoughts on this? The only recent changes I had made to my computer last night was updating the new NVIDIA Experience program and installed Gears of War 4.



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    Mechanised Mod

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:welcome:   springie2003,


We could do with some clarification please;



It does not recognize the ssd is there. 



What does not recognise that the SSD is there, do you mean that the SSD is not detected by the BIOS.


I took the ssd and put into another pc and it did not recognize either




As above.



I was able to successfully clone the drive and still unable to boot from it



If you were able to clone the drive it suggests that it is detected by the BIOS but can I ask how you know that you were able to successfully clone the drive.


If you were able to successfully clone the drive but Windows is corrupt then any cloned OS would also be corrupt and therefor be unbootable.




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