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How to send and view RS-232 data stream real time online?

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I have a program that I use that receives data (CAN BUS) from a PLC.  Within that program I can display the CAN BUS data as a graph or digital number.  From within that program I can pick out what data I want to send using a RS-232 serial data stream to any com port of my choosing.  What I want to do is send my chosen data over the internet so a user elsewhere can receive that data for viewing real time.  The program we use for viewing and sending a serial stream to a com port can also accept a RS serial data stream for viewing.  Can anyone suggest to me a simple way to send and receive this data?  I can not change the program I use to send the original data stream but another program to view the live data streaming online could be acceptable.


Any input anyone could offer to help me with this would be greatly appreciated!

Edited by MikeySD, 19 November 2016 - 07:37 AM.

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