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which way is better in performance base

C# SQl

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I want to show  data in a grid with certain conditions.


1. Method 


  I  wrote one sp  with if else condition  




  select * from table where status=1


else if(type !=1)


  select * from table where status!=1




2. Method 


  i pass two  command parameter  





  and in sp i wrote


 if(@type=' '


 select * from table where status=@status



which method is better in performance wise.



please suggest me 

new to this field 





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    GeekU Admin

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Too many variables to answer this definitively but most likely be virtually nothing in it. If your software doesn't include a profiler in the debugger, I would write the time to a variable, loop method 1 a number of times and measure how long it takes each loop. Repeat for method 2.

In Pseudocode:

dim start as double = time()
dim count as integer = 0

do while count < 10000
      { call method 1}
        count = count+1
enddo while
print (time-start)/count

Repeat for method 2

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If you are want to use condition once then first method is okay otherwise for multiple conditions you can use second method is effective. 

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