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New Computer - BSOD

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Rex Manning

Rex Manning


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I bought a new computer about 3 weeks ago.  The 1st day I used it, I received the blue screen of death and the critical process died error message.  Since that time, I've continued to receive the BSOD, almost exclusively when booting the computer.  It often is accompanied with a bad image error.  I'm tempted to just return the computer but wanted to reach out to see if anyone had a suggestion on how to fix it first.


Any insight would be appreciated.



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I'd take the computer back tomorrow. Be glad you have the option to do that. It could take quite a while to track down the issue in the forum method. Don't start out on the wrong track with a new computer or it may constantly bug you with annoying problems.

CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED occurs when a process needed for the operating to run properly, well, dies. Processes are like programs, but multiple processes can be used by a single program- and processes directly interact with your processor, hence their name. The bad thing about this error is that it could be just about anything critical to the operation of your computer: namely, your hard drive, your memory, or, your processor.

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