Good Saturday morning,
Checking out my programs in ADD/REMOVE and noticed CYBERLINK YOUCAM, which was installed before I purchased my HP Laptop G6, in 2012.
It is Taking up a lot of space. 217 MB.
I googled it, I guess it is for using ONLINE VIDEO CHATS, and SYPE which I do not use. But, I do need to view my youtube soap operas.
If I DELETED Cyberlink Youcam
Would I lose viewership for YOUTUBE ?
I noticed Cyberlink Youcam is a SOFTWARE.
If I choose to delete it, would I be able to get it back, say in the future. Should I change my mind about getting video chats, or SYPE?
One more thing, I read that this software can cause havoc?
Thank you.
You guys' and gals' are the best.
Here is an early
Happy Valentines Day!
Edited by SANDSTER, 11 February 2017 - 10:12 AM.