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v01tmp.log error - Help!

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I am having trouble with the file: v01tmp.log in Windows 10. It froze up both WinOptimizer & CCleaner. I have removed it and found nothing was written in it. I placed it on my Desktop if I need to reinstall it later.



Is this file necessary for the proper functioning of Windows 10? Do I have to create a fresh file to install, and if so, where do I reinstall it? 



Finally, is it the reason it is running sooooooo slow and freezing up?





Edited by mcast1286, 24 February 2017 - 03:54 PM.

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    Mechanised Mod

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:welcome:   mcast1286,


I am having trouble with the file: v01tmp.log in Windows 10. It froze up both WinOptimizer & CCleaner.



Using CCleaner is ok as long as you stay away from the registry but programs like WinOptimizer should be avoided at all costs, there is no wonder program that will keep your computer running any better than it is able to, only the end user can make sure that happens by keeping plenty of free/tidy storage space on the HDDs and regular housekeeping such as cleaning out heat trapping dust from inside the chassis, an old but still good read is miekiemoes' Blog here regarding registry cleaners and system tweaking tools.


Uninstall both WinOptimizer & CCleaner then refer to my canned info below;


Download then run Speccy (free) and post the resultant url for us, details here,  this will provide us with information about your computer hardware + any software that you have installed that may explain the present issue/s. 

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I am having trouble with the file: v01tmp.log in Windows 10. It froze up both WinOptimizer & CCleaner. I have removed it and found nothing was written in it. I placed it on my Desktop if I need to reinstall it later.



Is this file necessary for the proper functioning of Windows 10? Do I have to create a fresh file to install, and if so, where do I reinstall it? 



Finally, is it the reason it is running sooooooo slow and freezing up?






Edited by mcast1286, 25 February 2017 - 04:19 PM.

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Thanks for the help!


Here's Speccy File Link:  http://speccy.pirifo...aTwfstBMOIt4DxP

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    Mechanised Mod

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Hello mcast1286,
Please see Speccy info that I have highlighted in red;
Something that I have not seen in Speccy before is Malwarebytes listed as Antivirus, can you post a link to what it is exactly that you have running, running 2 AVs will slow down a computer as they will fight for resources and can actually leave your computer unprotected.
CCleaner is still showing in Speccy, there was a v01tmp.log bug reported in CCleaner in 2016 which may explain your problem, are you still getting the same error.
SafeZone is an Avast browser plug in that can cause problems, let us know if you were aware that it was present.
Iobit Driver Booster, you will not find anyone worth a pinch of salt recommending such a program or anything by Iobit in general, drivers should only be updated to address a known problem and such programs are more trouble than they are worth, see my canned text below;

Avoid using any software that automatically updates your system.

Please note that drivers should never be updated unless it is to address a known issue, if a driver is installed needlessly you can end up creating the very issue that the updated driver was intended to correct, rolling back to the previous driver does not always work and waiting for the next driver update can take some time and may also not resolve the issue.

Where possible, always obtain drivers directly from the provider of your hardware/software and only use drivers or patches from third parties for older or no longer supported hardware/software.

Same goes for the so called system tweaking tools that Iobit offers and registry cleaners in general, see the blog here for a detailed explanation.


Do I Really Need to Update My Drivers?



Avast Antivirus
Antivirus: Enabled
Company Name: AVAST Software
Product Version: 12.3.2280
Virus Signature Database: Up to date
Windows Defender
Antivirus: Disabled
Virus Signature Database: Up to date
Antivirus: Enabled
Virus Signature Database: Up to date
2/25/2017 3:01 PM;: GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA
2/25/2017 5:55 PM;: SafeZone scheduled Autoupdate 1486344878
2/26/2017 12:00 PM;: Adobe Acrobat Update Task
2/26/2017 12:01 PM;: GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore
2/26/2017 4:07 PM;: OneDrive Standalone Update Task
2/26/2017 8:15 PM;: OneDrive Standalone Update Task v2
Driver Booster Scheduler
Driver Booster SkipUAC (Daddy)
You are welcome btw  :)

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Hello mcast1286,
Please see Speccy info that I have highlighted in red;
Something that I have not seen in Speccy before is Malwarebytes listed as Antivirus, can you post a link to what it is exactly that you have running, running 2 AVs will slow down a computer as they will fight for resources and can actually leave your computer unprotected.
CCleaner is still showing in Speccy, there was a v01tmp.log bug reported in CCleaner in 2016 which may explain your problem, are you still getting the same error.
SafeZone is an Avast browser plug in that can cause problems, let us know if you were aware that it was present.
Iobit Driver Booster, you will not find anyone worth a pinch of salt recommending such a program or anything by Iobit in general, drivers should only be updated to address a known problem and such programs are more trouble than they are worth, see my canned text below;

Avoid using any software that automatically updates your system.

Please note that drivers should never be updated unless it is to address a known issue, if a driver is installed needlessly you can end up creating the very issue that the updated driver was intended to correct, rolling back to the previous driver does not always work and waiting for the next driver update can take some time and may also not resolve the issue.

Where possible, always obtain drivers directly from the provider of your hardware/software and only use drivers or patches from third parties for older or no longer supported hardware/software.

Same goes for the so called system tweaking tools that Iobit offers and registry cleaners in general, see the blog here for a detailed explanation.


Do I Really Need to Update My Drivers?



Avast Antivirus
Antivirus: Enabled
Company Name: AVAST Software
Product Version: 12.3.2280
Virus Signature Database: Up to date
Windows Defender
Antivirus: Disabled
Virus Signature Database: Up to date
Antivirus: Enabled
Virus Signature Database: Up to date
2/25/2017 3:01 PM;: GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA
2/25/2017 5:55 PM;: SafeZone scheduled Autoupdate 1486344878
2/26/2017 12:00 PM;: Adobe Acrobat Update Task
2/26/2017 12:01 PM;: GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore
2/26/2017 4:07 PM;: OneDrive Standalone Update Task
2/26/2017 8:15 PM;: OneDrive Standalone Update Task v2
Driver Booster Scheduler
Driver Booster SkipUAC (Daddy)
You are welcome btw  :)



Thanks again for your input. I thought Malwarebytes was anti-malware... I didn't know it was the same deal as AVAST. 
So I removed the following programs:
MalwareBytes, CCleaner, Driver Booster, WinOptimizer, and WinThruster. I also disabled AVAST Safe Zone so it won't work anymore; I wasn't using it anyway). I kept Emisoft Emergency Kit because as far as I know, it isn't actively running until you click on it. 
But those uninstalls seems not to have helped the slowness of the computer at all... and when I say slow, I mean there are many a time that my cursor freezes for a minute or three. I haven't had this kind of trouble since I used Windows '98. :) I will take a look at that blog you mentioned, though, and vacuum out the laptop... but it doesn't really appear dirty to me. I've only the computer less than a year.
Before I removed CCleaner and WinOptimizer, I searched again for V01tmp.log errors, but none were picked up. I just have the one I plucked out of the system, and it's been moved to the desktop for my reference.
Here is my updated Speccy:   
I wish there was an ability to create a Task Manager Static Report, but I couldn't find an app to do that. I Can tell you though that a dozen or so Chrome.exe's show up as running processes, as well as a dozen scchost.exe's, with a couple GoogleCrashHandler.exe's as well. I don't recall that many Chrome.exes there before - but I only have a limited knowledge about how Task Manager runs anyway.
And that's about what I know.

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    Mechanised Mod

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Thanks again for your input. I thought Malwarebytes was anti-malware... I didn't know it was the same deal as AVAST. 



As said in my reply #5 i`ve not seen MBAM be flagged up as an AV by Speccy before.


I would like to ask for a security expert take a look at this before going any further so please bear with me for now.

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