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Folder designations in W10

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Using a Dell desktop with W10 and Open Office Writer as my word processor I see that my saved documents are stored in folder C:\users\801\documents. I'm curious about the "801" designation. Was that name selected by Dell? Do those particular numbers (801) have any special significance?


I confess that I no longer understand the topology of W10 folders. An old codger, I was fine with the logic of directories under DOS (with its C:drive and its daughters) but am now confused with "desktop", "My PC", "801", etc. If anyone knows of a good primer on this subject I'd be glad to learn of it. To my mind, the jaunty but vacuous style of the Idiot books do not qualify.


Thanks. ....batpark

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When I view C:\users I see three entries: 801; Default, migrated; and Public. And when I click 801 I do indeed see my documents, as you say.


Several additional questions:


1. The designation "801": did I create that name or did Dell (the PC builder) do so; or was it created by the W10 OS? Does "801" have some special meaning or is it just a random number?


2. Whatever is the Default, migrated folder? Am I missing anything important not knowing?


3. Whatever are the Public folders? -- I see that all of my subfolders (Public Music, etc) are all empty.


Thank you for your help. ... batpark


... Batpark

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Are you using a local account or a Microsoft Account to login with? If a MS account then the 801 may be part of your account name???

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Footnoter and Ztruker: I appreciate your help and your patience but I am afraid I am still confused. (That the issue is just academic -- my confusion does not appear to effect my use of the PC -- doesn't make it less frustrating.)


Q1: When I boot up I am asked to select from two user names: 801 or Joe Smith (my name). I choose Joe Smith, enter a password and I get to my desktop. So I guess (answering Ztruker's question) I must be using a "local" account, right? And that 801 designation must refer to something Dell or MS selected, right?


Q2: Freebooter refers to C:\users and says I will find a "user profile folder" there. So far as I can see, I do not do so. I see only these three folders there: 801, Default.migrated, and Public. Where is my "profile folder"?


<What is> this "user profile folder"?


What are these Public folders; and what does it mean that all of my Public folders are empty?


Continued thanks. ..... batpark

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FreeBooter: Not sure what the "+ X keys" are, so I got to the Command prompt another way (Window key+R); and I  entered the command you suggested (Echo %UserProfile% | Clip). But got this error message: Windows cannot find "Echo". ????                         ... batpark

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What message do you get when you execute just Echo command?

1. I get to RUN by clicking the Windows key (to the right of Ctrl) + R

2. I type Echo into the Open box and then OK

3. I get message "Windows cannot find 'Echo."


???? .... batpark

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FreeBooter: Not sure how to get to Start Menu search box. But I DO know how to get to the command prompt (by Windows key (next to Ctrl) +R).


When at the command line    C:\users\801>   I enter echo I get the response "Echo is on."


... batpark

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FreeBooter: Really sorry to be so inept but .... HOW DO I GET to  my Clipboard?  ... batpark

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 Plse clarify your instructions. I think you are asking me to goto the command mode and execute  C:\Users\801> Echo %UserProfile% | Clip; 

and then to right-click a blank spot on my GtoG reply and select Paste. Is that right or not?



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