Motherboard has VGA 9 pin and I need to convert to HDMI at monitor. Will that work and where do I get adaptor. Thanks for your advice. Old Tech
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Motherboard has VGA 9 pin and I need to convert to HDMI at monitor. Will that work and where do I get adaptor. Thanks for your advice. Old Tech I have a couple of these here at work for connecting older visitors computers to our projectors and such. they seem to work. you want to make sure that you get a CONVERTER not an adapter or cable. VGA to HDMI is an analog to digital conversion so it's an ACTIVE conversion between formats.
Normal VGA have 15 pins so you have to convert 9 pins to 15 don't know if it will work after this using the adapter posted by Dsenette
Thanks for the quick response. Been on site and found what I needed! Old Tech
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