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High CPU usage but when I open task manager.....

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    Mechanised Mod

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As I thought, the CPU comes out all good as well.


The only test that you have left** is to remove the add on video card and try the CPUs integrated HD video to see if that is any better, there really is no other testing that you can do and as of now your software and hardware is all in good order.


** Other than stress testing the add on video card which doesn't really help with trying to explain the CPU spikes that you mention.

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I wouldnt know where to start with removing that

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    Mechanised Mod

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Would you want to stress test your video card instead.


You never actually mentioned what you were comparing the dip in performance to just that it lags when you have multiple tabs open, how many and what sort of tabs are we talking about, Microsoft Office tabs for example will not overburden the hardware whereas multiple video tabs such as games and/or youtube would.

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Tabs in chrome, I usually have between 4 and 8 tabs open

Out of curiosity how long does a stress test take

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    Mechanised Mod

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You never actually mentioned what you were comparing the dip in performance to just that it lags when you have multiple tabs open,



So when putting the computer under the same load was this never a problem until recently.


Tabs in chrome, I usually have between 4 and 8 tabs open



That would tend to cause an increase in CPU usage as the CPU is getting a lot of instructions


How long a stress test takes depends, if all is well after 15/20 minutes you shut it down and the card is ok or alternatively the card may overheat and the test need to be shut down sooner.

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So when putting the computer under the same load was this never a problem until recently.

Correct, I thought it was some sort of virus/malware so did deleted the partition and reinstalled W10 but the issue continued

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    Mechanised Mod

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Makes it even less likely to be a software issue then.


Stress test the video card with the Furmark burn in test (free) which you can download from here you should know within fifteen minutes if the video card has issues.


If the card passes ok then I`m afraid you will need to live with things as they are and just not have so many tabs open at once.


Got an early start so going offline now, will check back tomorrow afternoon UK time.

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Thanks PhillPower2


I'll run the test in the morning and post the results


Thanks again


EDIT, any idea what this is all about

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Edited by Iansville, 12 June 2017 - 04:52 AM.

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    Mechanised Mod

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You are welcome Iansville  :)


Not sure why you are asking about the info in the screenshot tbh as there is zero CPU usage registering.


Edit to add, couple of suggestions for you to try;


1: Disable all extensions in Chrome then test.

2: If you do not get any CPU spikes with all extensions disabled, try enabling them one at a time testing as you go to see if any extension is the cause.

3: If you still get CPU spikes with all Chrome extensions disabled, uninstall Chrome and test another browser such as Firefox.

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I didnt even know I had any extensions

then saw this


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    Mechanised Mod

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I have the same +1 other and all disabled, Ive no need for them.



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    Mechanised Mod

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Not heard back from you Iansville do you still require assistance or is the issue now resolved, an update would be appreciated.

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