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Video/sound stuttering during video

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I was doing some research and googling, and found myself on this page.  https://forum.sysint...&KW=spikes.htmlIf linking to another forum is not allowed, please let me know and I will remove it, and not do it again!


It is talking about "interrupts" (which process explorer identified when my cpu spiked), and states that it could be that the IDE device settings have changed from DMA mode to PIO, and that constantly putting the computer into sleep mode may have caused this.  I don't fully understand what they are talking about, but a lot of what's said sounds familiar to my situation.  Do you think this could be it?  How would I check to see if it is?

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    Mechanised Mod

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Any information that is helpful is always welcome as long as the same assistance is not offered here at GTG so no worries with your update.


We cannot see what was going on with the CPU so please repeat the process and attach the screenshot using only the method detailed below, thanks;


Download Process Explorer which you can obtain from here

Save it to your desktop then run it (Vista or Win7 - right click and Run as Administrator).  

View, Select Column, check Verified Signer, OK

Options, Verify Image Signatures


Click twice on the CPU column header to arrange things by CPU usage, this will put the services with the highest CPU usage at the top of the log. 


Wait a minimum of a minute then grab a screenshot and attach it to your next reply for us


To capture and post a screenshot;


Click on the ALT key + PRT SCR key..its on the top row..right hand side..now click on start...all programs...accessories...paint....left click in the white area ...press CTRL + V...click on file...click on save...save it to your desktop...name it something related to the screen your capturing... BE SURE TO SAVE IT AS A .JPG ...otherwise it may be to big to upload... Click on the More Reply Options tab then after typing in any response you have... click on Choose File...desktop...find the screenshot..select it and click on Attach This File...on the lower left...after it says upload successful...click on add reply like you normally would.


Screenshot instructions are provided to assist those that may read this topic but are not yet aware of the “how to”.

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Hey phillpower. I cannot capture what is going on with the cpu column at the time of the stutter as the laptop will freeze when this happens. By the time the laptop unfreezes and I alt+tab back everything appears to have settled.

That's why I thought the graphs would be helpful as they show some past information. I moused over the time of the incident for both graphs and the box of data displays that information.

2 things I found interesting.
1. For the cpu graph, at the time of the incident it shows 25.07% interupts. At no other time on the cpu graph did it state any interupts.
2. The massive spike n the I/O graph.

I know you'd like to see the cpu tab, but I can't do that, does this info tell you anything?
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    Mechanised Mod

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I cannot capture what is going on with the cpu column at the time of the stutter as the laptop will freeze when this happens.



It doesnt need to be when the screen stutters, if we can see anything at all that looks off in general it may give us something to go on.

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    Mechanised Mod

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Not heard back from you Zylocks, do you still require assistance or is the issue now resolved, an update would be appreciated.

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Hey phillpower, thanks for continuing to respond. I've been off on vacation for the past week. The issue has not been resolved yet.

I have posted the cpu column results earlier in the thread.
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    Mechanised Mod

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No problem, not been around for a couple of days myself  :(


Your Sysem Information screenshots are covering the PE log that I was hoping to see.


Did you notice that Chrome is shown to be the cause of the spike in one of your screenshots.


Another log for you to upload for us;


Post an Autoruns log for us, see here  


1: Extract the Autoruns Zip file contents to a folder.

2: Double-click the "Autoruns.exe".

3: Click on the "Hide Signed Microsoft and Windows Entries” option.

4: Go to File then to Export As or Save in some versions.

5: Save AutoRuns.txt file to known location like your Desktop > when you click on File > Save you will then get the option to Save as type, click the drop down tab, change it to Text and then click the Save button.

6: Attach to your next reply.


Tutorial here


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Did you notice that Chrome is shown to be the cause of the spike in one of your screenshots.




Oh, in the I/O screenshot?  I may have been using chrome at that time, but it's definitely also happened with IE too.  I have attached the autorun.txt. file.  I am also back from vacation so I thank you for your patience..! 

Attached Files

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    Mechanised Mod

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From your reply #15 

  I removed avast; windows defender is the only antivirus at the moment.  It is still having issues.



From your Autoruns log in your reply #23


+ "\SafeZone scheduled Autoupdate 1464925741" "" "" "File not found: C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\SZBrowser\launcher.exe" "" ""


There are still traces of Avast on your computer, your Autoruns log is telling us that Windows Defender is not running and that you have no AV protection whatsoever protecting you  :(


Safezone is an Avast browser plug in that can cause problems on its own, if you have traces of Avast or any other AV software on your computer expect problems of one sort or another.


Avast removal tool here please use this and then post a fresh Autoruns log for us.

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I've got a couple points.  In the autorun program, those are all the programs that run on startup?!  ie. spotify, steam, skype etc.. None of them are in the msconfig settings!  I went and unchecked those boxes.

I went and ran the Avast remover tool.  Thanks.


Windows defender is not currently running?  In the 'Windows Defender Security Centre', under 'Virus and Protection Settings' it shows the real-time protection as on, as well as all of the other virus settings.  Thanks for letting me know though.


I have attached the new AutoRun log.

Attached Files

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    Mechanised Mod

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 In the autorun program, those are all the programs that run on startup?!  ie. spotify, steam, skype etc





Avast SafeZone browser plug in is still on your computer, as you have run the Avast removal tool already I would suggest that you delete the following entry in Autoruns;


+ "\SafeZone scheduled Autoupdate 1464925741" "" "" "File not found: C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\SZBrowser\launcher.exe" "" ""



Windows defender is not currently running?  In the 'Windows Defender Security Centre', under 'Virus and Protection Settings' it shows the real-time protection as on, as well as all of the other virus settings.  Thanks for letting me know though.



We need to see what is going on with Defender to make sure that it is running correctly.


Download then run Speccy (free) and post the resultant url for us, details here,  this will provide us with information about your computer hardware + any software that you have installed that may explain the present issue/s. 

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Thanks for the continued support.


I removed the line in autorun for avast.


I downloaded and ran speccy, here is the url: http://speccy.pirifo...UvYYKSFYcMcTu0c

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    Mechanised Mod

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You are welcome  :)


Couple of things noted in Speccy;


1: You have Malwarebytes anti virus on your computer, is this the free trial or the paid for version, if free, uninstall it in Control Panel, any problems removing it use the MBAM clean up tool, see info here


2: Your Power Plan is set to High performance which is a form of overclocking that causes overheating and system instability, change it to Balanced.


3: Hibernation is enabled, this setting is known to cause problems and is imo a waste of time in any event, disable the setting "how to" below;


 Open the Win+X menu, and click/tap on Command Prompt (Admin)

In the elevated command prompt, powercfg -h off press Enter and you are done.


4: There is an Avast scheduled update showing 2017-08-05 9:07 PM;: SafeZone scheduled Autoupdate 1464925741 Was Speccy run before or after you deleted the entry in Autoruns.

5: This is an odd one to say the least, you have a single 8GB stick of RAM but if you check Speccy it says you have 12GB of RAM running in dual channel mode, for this to be true you would need two sticks of RAM  :headscratch: further investigation once we have your computer running stable.

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I was able to remove malaware bytes, it was the free version and not the paid one.


I changed the power setting to balanced.


I followed the steps to turn off hibernation mode, and it seems to have worked.


I ran speccy after I unchecked avast in autorun.  I ran speccy again just now and it still appears to be there.  Here is an updated profile http://speccy.pirifo...xqtkYPE2aByGXTE
That avast really doesn't want to be removed..

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    Mechanised Mod

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First three points acknowledged and a job well done on your behalf  :thumbsup:


I ran speccy after I unchecked avast in autorun. 



Do you mean deleted as only disabling the entry will still leave it on the computer and Speccy will pick it up.

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