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Annoying competition redirection on Chrome, Galaxy S5

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  • PipPip
  • 34 posts

Hi all,


I have an annoying problem when I'm using the chrome browser on my Samsung Galaxy S5 (and also on Chrome on my laptop) . I will be browsing the internet (usually when reading an article of some sort) and the browser will redirect to another page that has a competition on. It's a different one every time and it happens seemingly randomly (sometimes I can view a page OK, other times I get the redirection). And then it won't let me leave the page by hitting the "back" button - I have to close the entire tab to make it go away. The most recent one I got is in the attached screenshot of my phone.




What is this thing?! Is it a virus? Ransomware? How do I get rid of it??


Any help, much appreciated, thank you! 

Attached Thumbnails

  • Screenshot_2017-07-27-11-13-44.png

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  • PipPip
  • 34 posts

I don't want to use another browser. I use Chrome on my phone and laptop so that I can access all my bookmarks from both. Do you mean factory reset? Is there an app that can remove this kind of browser malware? 

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