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The build was done for processing large quantities of Audio, as well as [a] storage "server". Those are the primary purposes. In the future I might expand it to Video Rendering (GPU would be added). It's also not my build, it was made for a friend who does a lot of work with Audacity, Powerpoint and Microsoft Word. (3-4 audio files @ 45 minutes each week. To make ["render"] one audio file took him about 10 minutes on his old system. That's not including the time to cut, paste, remove etc.). Playing any form of a video while recording or rendering was a NIGHTMARE. It was actually just not do-able. It stuttered constantly. Think of watching a YT video with the space bar pressed down constantly at 0.75x speed.

I took out some pieces of hardware from his old build, and re-used it. Build.

  • CPU: Ryzen 5 1600 (Not OC'd right now).
  • MOBO: ASRock AB250M PRO4.
  • RAM: ADATA XPG 8GB (2x4GB) DDR4 @ 3000MHz.
  • Storage: WD Caviar Blue 1TB @ 7200RPM.
  • *GPU: Some proprietary GPU. The only reason why I kept it is because of the complex monitor setup he has, and he doesn't [currently] need a more powerful card.
  • *CD/DVD: Standard R/W drive that gets the job done. More info tomorrow.
  • OS: Windows 10 Pro [x64]

The GPU and CD/DVD drive were the parts reused in the build.

Their was a problem using the GPU however. I forgot it's a proprietary GPU from Acer. We had to order a PCI-E x16 [riser] card to get it to fit. [Otherwise, Linus Tech Tips Pro Tip: Drummel it!] [Seriously though, don't do that.] Also, the memory was downclocked to 2666MHz to fit with the MOBO's specs.

To Add:

More storage. I'd love to get him a new drive, like an SSD. Also [he's] looking into video editing, so he'd need a GPU. (I'm looking at upgrading my personal GPU, a GTX760. I might give him the 760 and go get a 1060 6GB for myself. Would show him what it's like, and see if it's something he's actually interested in.) More RAM if he goes into Video Editing as well.


Lastly, I looked at the stock CPU temps (low 30's). I haven't seen it stressed yet, but I might put a small OC on it.

I'll snap some pictures tomorrow and upload them here.

Edit: Fixed the link. Oops.

Edited by Axe94, 19 December 2017 - 01:01 PM.

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Hello Axe94,


Can I ask if you are looking for help with something or just sharing the build information.

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